accessing url parameter using jstl


Try this

<a href='create-course-summary?spid=${param["spid"]}'>add</a>
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Updated on July 09, 2022


  • CodeMed
    CodeMed almost 2 years

    I am new to jstl and I need help getting a url-string parameter on a jsp that also contains EL markup from an iterated list of objects retrieved from a database. Can someone show me how to fix the code below so that the following line of code populates with an actual number where I am asking for ${param.spid}:

    <a href="create-course-summary?spid="${param.spid}>add</a>

    Here is the background:

    I am calling a servlet with the following url pattern:


    This calls the following doGet method in a servlet:

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) 
       throws ServletException, IOException {
        String spidString = req.getParameter("spid");
        Long spid = new Long(spidString);
        List<CourseSummary> coursesummaries = new CourseSummaryDAO().findAllCS(spid);
        req.setAttribute("coursesummaries", coursesummaries);
        jsp.forward(req, resp);

    And returns the following jsp:

    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
    <%@ include file="" %>
      <td>Name of School (Course Provider):</td>
      <td>will go here</td>
    <tr><td colspan=2>
    <a href="create-course-summary?spid="${param.spid}>add</a>
       <td colspan=2>
                <c:forEach varStatus="loopCounter" items="${coursesummaries}" var="coursesummary">
                        <c:out value="${coursesummary.coursetype}" />
                        <c:out value="${coursesummary.numunits}" />
                        <c:out value="${}" />
    <%@ include file="" %>
  • CodeMed
    CodeMed almost 11 years
    Thanks. I think my placement of the quotes was part of the problem, also. +1 and credit for accepted answer. Nice response time.