how to read arrayList content using JSTL


It should be :

<c:forEach items="${alldata}" var="item">
  <c:out value="${}"/>

Note: No <jsp:useBean> required.

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Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Developer_H
    Developer_H almost 2 years

    I want to read the arrayList objects Attributes that is assigned to request object from JSTL how can I do this? i tryed the following

    here is the servlet code:

    ArrayList<Employee> al = new ArrayList<Employee>();
    /* code for filling the ArrayList with objects from class Employee */
    request.setAttribute("alldata", al);`

    In my JSP page:

    <jsp:useBean id="alldata" class="java.util.ArrayList" scope="request">
    <c:forEach items="alldata" var="item">
    <c:out value="item.getName()"></c:out>

    but it's not working,

    Thanks in advance

  • Developer_H
    Developer_H over 13 years
    I tried it , but I got the following exception "According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute items does not accept any expressions" it's my first experience with JSTL :$ thanks skaffman
  • skaffman
    skaffman over 13 years
    @Developer_H: Sounds like you've got a very old version of the JSTL libraries, probably 1.0. You need 1.1 or higher.
  • Developer_H
    Developer_H over 13 years
    actually yes , I was using <tlib-version>1.0 I've changed it to <tlib-version>1.1 , but got "javax.servlet.ServletException" :D seems i have incompatibility issue somewhere else (any ideas where it could be? ) .. I'll check it now , thanks for your help