Accidently ran "chown www-data:www-data / -R" as root


Solution 1

Most everything in /bin/ should be owned by root:root, so if you run the following you can fix the ownership on those files:

chown root:root -R /bin/ 

You may also want to make sure the setuid bit is properly set on /bin/su, which you can fix with the following:

chmod 4755 /bin/su

Solution 2

Redhat user:

chown 0:0 /bin/rpm && rpm -qa | xargs rpm --setugids

Debian/Ubuntu user:

chown 0:0 /bin/*  /usr/bin/*
chown daemon:daemon /usr/bin/at
chown 0:utmp /usr/bin/screen
chmod 02755 /usr/bin/screen
chmod u+s /bin/fusermount /bin/mount /bin/su /bin/mount
chmod u+s /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/passwd

While screen is running do this at least twice:

dpkg --get-selections | awk '{ if ($2 == "install") print $1}' \
    | xargs apt-get install --reinstall --

Pay very close attention to the output because if it complains about something having the wrong permissions, you should fix it on another screen window.

Crash course in screen:

Control+A     - command key
Control+A a   - emit a control+A
Control+A n   - next "screen"
Control+A c   - create "screen"

Solaris user:

You're fucked.

pkgchk -R / -f -a

will reset all the permissions, but setuid-ness will still be broken. Use a backup, or another solaris machine to look for setuid/setgid scripts and files and fix them up manually.


Is that you can recover them, not that you take them.

Other people have given you advice to take backups, but I want to add that you should be testing them. If you're using a unixish system, there is no reason whatsoever that you can't dump the files onto another machine periodically and make sure everything works.

Solution 3

I was going to explain the details of using RPM to reset file permissions, but I've found a site with a lot more information. It does also mention that Ubuntu/Debian (so .debs in general) don't support it.

But in general the option your looking for would be along the lines:

rpm --setugids {packagename}

Solution 4

Be aware that the set-uid flags on any affected binaries may have been removed, too; this is a security feature of chown. Check with some other system which binaries have the set-uid or set-gid flags and be sure to set them on your binaries as well.

Solution 5

If this was a debian system, I'd aptitude reinstall everything.


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Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Will
    Will almost 2 years

    I just ran this a few seconds ago. I managed to do Ctrl - C as soon as I realized what I started doing.

    So far the only directory it's started going through is /bin.

    I'm afraid to do anything else. So far I realized I can't use su as my normal user anymore.

    Luckily I still have another root terminal open. What do I do?

    • over 14 years
      Sounds like you got chowned there, buddy.
    • Zaid Amir
      Zaid Amir over 14 years
      Now you understand the importance of backups. Do it regularly.
    • Khushboo Tahir
      Khushboo Tahir over 12 years
      At least he didn't chmod from root. That's a full-on disaster. At least rm -rf from root gives you more disk space and prepares you for a full system reinstall, chmod just leaves a real mess that's pretty hard to recover from by anything besides a complete system reinstall. The grass is brown on both sides of the fence, eh?
  • Bernd Haug
    Bernd Haug over 14 years
    On Ubuntu, it's especially important to do the same with sudo. I don't think that a root password is even set by default? By the way, I'd really recommend actually using sudo instead of root shells. The half-second it takes to type sudo normally stops mistakes like that in the tracks. Just working in a root shell is easier to miss...
  • elmo
    elmo over 14 years is a "ls -l /bin" from my Ubuntu 9.10 desktop. While I might not have exactly the same files installed as you, it should at least give you a good hint on which files need special permissions.
  • David Thornley
    David Thornley over 14 years
    @Bernd: Although I don't do that much admin work, I have noticed that I sudo fewer dumb things than I do as root. I may never use a root password ever again. (And, no, there is no default root password on Ubuntu, and I don't think there is one on MacOSX.)
  • Bernd Haug
    Bernd Haug over 14 years
    @David: There definitely is no default root password on OS X, and setting one is mostly a mistake, IMO. There's almost always another, better way. The problem is that Macs are not too secure to begin with; I expect to see a lot of 'fun' once they have a larger install base to make RKs, Virii, Botnet clients &c profitable.
  • fxmtor
    fxmtor over 14 years
    This is on an ubuntu system, as indicated by the tags. This means that dpkg and .DEBs are used instead of rpm and .RPMs
  • einstiien
    einstiien over 14 years
    FreeBSD User: would never make this kind of mistake ;)
  • user1686
    user1686 over 14 years
    @einstiien Yep, FreeBSD users go straight to the rm -rf stage.
  • einstiien
    einstiien over 14 years
    @grawity: lol, good one.
  • 9997
    9997 almost 14 years
    Poor Solaris users :(