Active Directory Display all properties in a table


Solution 1

This can be done using DirectoryEntry, but I don't think the SearchResultCollection has all fields.
Try to create a DirectoryEntry for every search result, it should have all active directory properties:

DirectoryEntry entry = result.GetDirectoryEntry();

Also, note that in the active directory every property can have multiple values (like the MemberOf field), so you'll have to iterate them as well.
I've wrote a similar method, but I chose a List with keys/values (it seemed more manageable over WCF. ILookup would be optimal, but I couldn't get it to work here). Here it is, stripped from try/catch/using

var list = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
foreach (PropertyValueCollection property in entry.Properties)
   foreach (object o in property)
       string value = o.ToString();
       list.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(property.PropertyName, value));

Solution 2

You can iterate through all properties this way:

foreach (SearchResult searchResult in allResults)
  foreach (string propName in searchResult.Properties.PropertyNames)
    ResultPropertyValueCollection valueCollection =
    foreach (Object propertyValue in valueCollection)
    Console.WriteLine("Property: " + propName + ": " + propertyValue.ToString());

Is that what you need?

Solution 3

Came across this thread while looking on how to do this myself. Instead i found a different way of doing it, and seems to be working fine.

return ((DirectoryEntry)UserPrincipal.Current.GetUnderlyingObject()).Properties.PropertyNames;

Its loading perfectly find in a Combobox anyhow. Just incase anyone else comes across this thread.

Author by


merge me

Updated on April 15, 2020


  • PeteT
    PeteT about 4 years

    I am trying to achieve an LDAP query to gather all properties we have about our users without specifying the properties before hand, I would like to display this in a table so used the below code. This works if I uncomment the search.PropertiesToLoad.Add("cn"); line and will display any other properties I add in the same way but not when I do a full search for all properties.

    DirectoryEntry myLdapConnection = createDirectoryEntry();
    DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher(myLdapConnection);
    search.CacheResults = true;
    SearchResultCollection allResults = search.FindAll();
    DataTable resultsTable = new DataTable("Results");
    //add columns for each property in results
    foreach (string colName in allResults.PropertiesLoaded)
        resultsTable.Columns.Add(colName, colName.GetType());
    //loop to add records to DataTable
    foreach (SearchResult result in allResults)
        int tmp = result.Properties.Count;
        DataRow row = resultsTable.NewRow();
        foreach (string columnName in search.PropertiesToLoad)
            if (columnName.Equals("lastlogon"))
                if (result.Properties.Contains(columnName))
                    row[columnName] = ConvertDate(result.Properties[columnName].ToString());
                    row[columnName] = "";
                if (result.Properties.Contains(columnName))
                    row[columnName] = result.Properties[columnName][0].ToString();
                    row[columnName] = "";
    gridResults.DataSource = resultsTable;

    The problem seems to be with

    foreach (string colName in allResults.PropertiesLoaded)
        resultsTable.Columns.Add(colName, colName.GetType());

    I expected this to loop all properties when no PropertiesToLoad had been specified but it doesn't is their a way to achieve what I want to.

    I know I need a few try catches and other bits in the code as of yet, it's a rough draft.

  • Taersious
    Taersious almost 9 years
    This might be more helpful to me if your comment related a UserPrincipal to a DirectorySearcher, or something relevant. I may just not know enough about this object, but I see no valid object type, and I cannot resolve this.
  • Michael
    Michael almost 7 years
    This is using the newer System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement. So you would need to add a reference and using statement.