Adobe Acrobat Reader version 10/11 & Ubuntu 14.04


maybe you can try to install the Adobe Reader with Wine.

the last native version was adobe reader 9, newer versions are only available for Windows and MacOS.


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John Rose
Author by

John Rose

Just an old fogey.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • John Rose
    John Rose almost 2 years

    I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 desktop. I have enabled the partners repo & installed Adobe Reader 9.5.5 OK. Unfortunately, I need Adobe Reader version 10 or 11 for the particular .pdf file I'm using. If anyone is interested, the .pdf file is a file supplied by UK's HMRC for Company Returns which requires certain Trust settings to be made. Can anybody tell me where I can download an appropriate (to Ubuntu 14.04) Adobe Reader 10/11 install file? PS I've tried Adobe's web site & internet searched.

    • Charles Green
      Charles Green over 9 years
      Adobe decided that all us Linux users don't amount to anything in the world, and stopped releasing Adobe Reader for linux a while back.
    • Barafu Albino
      Barafu Albino over 9 years
      Ask that company to provide you a Windows Licence or something. Tell them that if they provide an encoded (to PDF) file with none or obscure way (in this case) to read it - that means they do not provide you the file at all.
    • cylgalad
      cylgalad over 8 years
      What about using Evince instead? Anything is better than Acrobat Reader anyway!
  • DJCrashdummy
    DJCrashdummy over 9 years
    i would recommend for an overview of the alternatives.
  • John Rose
    John Rose over 9 years
    I tried installing Adobe Reader with latest version of Wine (from Ubuntu Wine Team). It installed OK but didn't work: some dll problem but I forget what it was.
  • John Rose
    John Rose over 9 years
    No point in trying alternatives as it needs special Adobe Reader trust settings.
  • DJCrashdummy
    DJCrashdummy over 9 years
    as described in the link: you will need wine 1.7 and winetricks.
  • DJCrashdummy
    DJCrashdummy over 9 years
    it was just a comment to point out some alternatives for other users reading this...