Adobe photoshop image export causes changes in colors


Solution 1

You might want to check your view>proof setup

Make sure it is set to "Monitor RGB"

Then you will see the same colors as the export will be. You will probably have to adjust your colors, but now the exported images will look the same.

Solution 2

It sounds like a Color Space issue. If you set up Photoshop for Print media, the default color space is CMYK, the standard for press and large scale printing. Computer monitors use a subset of the RGB color space called sRGB. When working with images for the web or desktop programs(even desktop printers for the most part), use the sRGB color space.

Converting completed images between the two often results in muddy, poorly saturated looking images. With the original open in Photoshop, you can change the color space without ill effect by going to the Image -> Mode. To make that setting the default color space, go to Edit -> Options, and its in there under color settings.


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Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin almost 2 years

    I am using Adobe Photoshop CS2 Version 9.0.2 on Windows XP. I am having trouble exporting images from a psd file, because the colors in the resulting image are not the same as in the original file (fthe differences are obvious when opening with IrfanView or when I use them on my website). If I open the resulting image with Photoshop, than the colors match the original.

    If this is of some help, the exported images have the same colors as when watching the original file with the Monitor RGB Proof Setup checked. (Menu View->Proof Setup->Monitor RGB), but they should look like when the option Windows RGB is checked.

    I am a beginner in Photoshop and I couldn't find a solution for this problem. Even a simple copy-paste from the file causes the color change.

    Could anyone give me some pointers on how I should make the export so that the colors don't change?

    Thank you

    • bdukes
      bdukes almost 15 years
      This website is for programming related questions. You question may be better suited to (CSS & design) or (computer enthusiasts)
  • ChrisF
    ChrisF almost 15 years
    @Mihaela - your question isn't associated with your SU account (the name is grey and non-clickable, and your name on this answer isn't highlighted in blue). E-mail [email protected] and they'll associate it for you. I'll also flag the question
  • BinaryMisfit
    BinaryMisfit almost 15 years
    @ChrisF - No need to e-mail the team. They can do this in the associations tab themselves.