Export frames of animation separately


Solution 1

Set each frame duration to 1 second. Then go to File > Export > Video render

Select "Images sequence", "All images" and set the frequency to 1 image per second.

Click on Render, and each frame should be exported to an image.

Solution 2

For people looking for exports with a transparent background..

First export all frames to layers:

Timeline panel > Flatten Frames Into Layers

Flatten Frames Into Layers

Then Export all layers to files:

File > Export > Layers to files

Then Export all layers to files


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Updated on September 17, 2022


  • user1003131
    user1003131 almost 2 years

    There are a few posts which explain how to detect if a target computer has the East Asian Language pack installed on XP. That is all well and good, but if I find that the language is not installed I would like to have my installation program install the languages without intervention from the user.

    Is this possible?

    I am targeting XP systems SP2.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention that I am writing in C#. Obviously I can only use .NET 4.0 and lower since it is targeting XP.

  • Sergey Snegirev
    Sergey Snegirev over 10 years
    What kind of sorcery... I exported 200 layers in 20 seconds, whereas the more obvious path of Scripts > Export Layers to Files takes about 15 minutes.
  • malhal
    malhal over 10 years
    Trust Adobe to put the export images under the export Video menu item. Also if you use an animation with alpha then you get an all black image, great work Adobe!
  • user1003131
    user1003131 almost 10 years
    Thanks for the reply Mihai...Our system Admins had asked me to build it into the installer since we have the systems we are deploying to locked down. They all had the language files on the C drive already, just had to use the silent installer to get windows to install it. A bit of scripting did the trick.
  • angelofdev
    angelofdev about 6 years
    @malhal not sure if you figured it out by now, in the 'File Options' section you need to select 'Image Sequence' as PNG then in the 'Render Options' select alpha channel as Straight - Unmatted