Algorithm: How do I fade from Red to Green via Yellow using RGB values?


Solution 1

The RGB values for the colors:

  • Red 255, 0, 0
  • Yellow 255, 255, 0
  • Green 0, 255, 0

Between Red and Yellow, equally space your additions to the green channel until it reaches 255. Between Yellow and Green, equally space your subtractions from the red channel.

Solution 2

I had the same need and I just resolved with this:

myColor = new Color(2.0f * x, 2.0f * (1 - x), 0);

Explanation: Instead of the [0-255] range, let's focus on the [0.0-1.0] range for color components:

  • Green = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
  • Yellow = 1.0, 1.0, 0.0
  • Red= 1.0, 0.0, 0.0

If you just scale the green component from 0.0 (on one end) to 1.0 (on the other end) and do the same thing with the red component (but going backwards), you'll get ugly and non-uniform color distribution.

To make it look nice, we could write a lot of code, or we could be more clever.

If you look carefully at the single components, you can see that we can split the range in two equal parts: in the first one we increase the red component from 0.0 to 1.0, leaving the green at 1.0 and the blue at 0.0; in the second we decrease the green component, leaving the other 2 as they are. We can take advantage of the fact that any value above 1.0 will be read as 1.0, by maxing out our values to simplify the code. Assuming your x value goes from 0.00 (0%) to 1.00 (100%), you can multiply it by 2 to let it go over the 1.0 limit for color components. Now you have your components going from 0.0 to 2.0 (the red one) and from 2.0 to 0.0 (the green one). Let them be clipped to [0.0-1.0] ranges and there you go.

If your x moves in another range (like [0-100]) you need to choose an appropriate factor instead of 2

Solution 3

Here is a very simple linear interpolation of the color components. It might serve your needs.

public Color GetBlendedColor(int percentage)
    if (percentage < 50)
        return Interpolate(Color.Red, Color.Yellow, percentage / 50.0);
    return Interpolate(Color.Yellow, Color.Lime, (percentage - 50) / 50.0);

private Color Interpolate(Color color1, Color color2, double fraction)
    double r = Interpolate(color1.R, color2.R, fraction);
    double g = Interpolate(color1.G, color2.G, fraction);
    double b = Interpolate(color1.B, color2.B, fraction);
    return Color.FromArgb((int)Math.Round(r), (int)Math.Round(g), (int)Math.Round(b));

private double Interpolate(double d1, double d2, double fraction)
    return d1 + (d2 - d1) * fraction;

Solution 4

I don't know C#, so this answer is just a suggested approach. Let x denote the int that ranges from 0 to 100. Something like this should work:

red   = (x > 50 ? 1-2*(x-50)/100.0 : 1.0);
green = (x > 50 ? 1.0 : 2*x/100.0);
blue  = 0.0

The idea is to start at red: (1.0,0.0,0.0). Then increase the green to get yellow: (1.0,1.0,0.0). Then decrease the red to get green: (0.0,1.0,0.0).

Edit: Here is the code in C#

static Color GetColorFromRedYellowGreenGradient(double percentage)
    var red = (percentage > 50 ? 1 - 2 * (percentage - 50) / 100.0 : 1.0) * 255;
    var green = (percentage > 50 ? 1.0 : 2 * percentage / 100.0) * 255;
    var blue = 0.0;
    Color result = Color.FromArgb((int)red, (int)green, (int)blue);
    return result;

Solution 5

Simplified extension method;

public static Color Interpolate(this Color source, Color target, double percent)
    var r = (byte)(source.R + (target.R - source.R) * percent);
    var g = (byte)(source.G + (target.G - source.G) * percent);
    var b = (byte)(source.B + (target.B - source.B) * percent);

    return Color.FromArgb(255, r, g, b);


var low = 33.0;
var high = 100.0;
var color = Color.Red.Interpolate(Color.Green, low / high);
Author by



Updated on July 05, 2022


  • user776676
    user776676 almost 2 years

    I want to display a color based on a value from 0 to 100. At one end (100), it's pure Red, the other end (0), pure Green. In the middle (50), I want it to be yellow.

    And I want the colors to fade gradually from one to another, such that at 75, the color is half red and half yellow, etc.

    How do I program the RGB values to reflect this fading? Thanks.

  • Giorgio Aresu
    Giorgio Aresu over 10 years
    Thank you very much. I thought of this approach when I found myself in this exact situation, because other solutions seemed too complicate for such a task
  • Felipe
    Felipe over 9 years
    This is definitely the best answer as it is simple and works perfectly. I actually had to work out a few values to understand fully why it worked so well
  • Rafael Herscovici
    Rafael Herscovici over 9 years
    It looks like you forgot that r.g.b values are up to 255 and not 100.
  • LarzStarz
    LarzStarz almost 9 years
    Excellent solution for our needs. We're computing it in Javascript and going from Red through White to Green. This adds an interesting twist as the Yellow component goes from 0.0 to 1.0 and back to 0.0 through the scale. This computes as yellowValue = 1 - Math.abs(value - 0.5) * 2;
  • Tincan
    Tincan over 8 years
    In the Interpolate function, assuming d2 is your target color and d1 is your begin color, it should be (d2 - d1) instead of (d1 - d2).
  • Adam Hopkins
    Adam Hopkins about 8 years
    Great idea @GiorgioAresu! This is one of those answers that I believe deserves far more up votes. Great solution, and great write up to explain the idea.
  • Adam Hopkins
    Adam Hopkins about 8 years
    @GiorgioAresu, I took your principle and applied it to a utility on a codepen found here:
  • Setsu
    Setsu almost 8 years
    This doesn't answer the original question. Not only does it go through white instead of yellow, it operates on a different range of numbers than requested.
  • Benj
    Benj over 7 years
    +1 for having a green-to-white-to-red algorithm which fits me, but indeed does not answer the OP question.
  • Siwei
    Siwei over 7 years
    this is more straightforward.
  • Giorgio Aresu
    Giorgio Aresu over 7 years
    This won't actually fade nicely, the yellow section will be pretty narrow
  • Christian Ivicevic
    Christian Ivicevic over 7 years
    This helped me a lot with custom colors and the fix to d1 and d2.
  • laserpython
    laserpython almost 7 years
    Works perfectly! I was using python (PyQt5) and had to modify slightly: QColor(min(255,2*255*(temp)),min(255,2*255*(1-temp)),0)
  • Ansjovis86
    Ansjovis86 over 6 years
    In JS i adapted it to this: const red = Math.min(2 - (2 * Fraction), 1) * 255; const green = Math.min(2 * Fraction, 1) * 255;
  • Hambone
    Hambone about 6 years
    Don't care what question this answers... this is genius.
  • Ferrybig
    Ferrybig over 4 years
    Colors are not linear, a change from 0 to 64 I'd bigger than a change from 191 to 255, this is especially clear on led displays, as their black is blacker.
  • duedl0r
    duedl0r over 4 years
    This solution doesn't go through yellow. It's a nice solution if you need green to red gradient. Strictly speaking, it doesn't answer OPs question.
  • Giorgio Aresu
    Giorgio Aresu over 4 years
    @duedl0r yes it does, as explained in the answer. It does so while keeping the yellow at the exact center of the gradient, instead of skewed at one side. Did you try it?
  • duedl0r
    duedl0r over 4 years
    @GiorgioAresu: Yes you're right. I tried it, but made an error: I didn't read to the end ;)
  • Hanif Bin Ariffin
    Hanif Bin Ariffin over 4 years
    additionally, instead of using if statements to bound your ranges, use %. No branching in your code.
  • Giorgio Aresu
    Giorgio Aresu over 4 years
    @HanifBinAriffin I think you meant to reply to a different answer :)
  • jippyjoe4
    jippyjoe4 about 4 years
    @Ferrybig, taking your comment into consideration, what is the proper interpolation formula?