Algorithm to find k smallest numbers in array of n items


Solution 1

I've done this in an interview before, and one of the most elegant/efficient ways to do this is

O(n log k). 
with space: O(k) (thanks, @Nzbuu)

Basically you're going to use a max-heap of size limited to k. For each item in the array, check to see if it's smaller than the max (only O(1)). If it is, remove the max and put that in the heap (O(log k)). If its bigger, go to the next item.

Of course, the heap doesn't yield a sorted list of k items, but that can be done in O(k log k) which is easy.

Similarly, you can do the same for finding the largest k items, in which case you would use a min-heap.

Solution 2

you will need to find the k'th smallest element using 'selection algorithm', which is O(n), and then iterate the array again and return each element which is smaller/equals it.
selection algorithm:
you will have to pay attention if you have repeats: you will need to make sure you are not returning more then k elements (it is possible if for instance you have 1,2,...,k,k,k,...)

the full algorithm, and returning a list, as requested: let the array be A

 1. find the k'th element in A using 'selection algorithm', let it be 'z'
 2. initialize an empty list 'L'
 3. initialize counter<-0
 4. for each element in A: 
 4.1. if element < z: 
   4.1.1. counter<-counter + 1 ; L.add(element)
 5. for each element in A:
 5.1. if element == z AND count < k:
   5.1.1. counter<-counter + 1 ; L.add(element)
 6. return L

note here that a 3rd iteration is required if your list might have duplicates. if it can't - it is needless, just change the condition in 4.1 to <=.
also note: L.add is inserting an element to a linked list and thus is O(1).

Solution 3

Assuming you're trying to show the K smallest numbers, you can use Hoare's Select algorithm to find the kth smallest number. That partitions the array into the smaller numbers, the kth number, and the larger numbers.

Solution 4

It is possible to find the k smallest of n elements in O(n) time (by which I mean true O(n) time, not O(n + some function of k)). Refer to the Wikipedia article "Selection algorithm", especially the subsections on "unordered partial sorting" and "median selection as pivot strategy", and also to the article "Median of medians" for the essential piece that makes this O(n).

Solution 5

This can be done in expected linear time(O(n)). First find the kth smallest element of the array (using pivot partition method for finding kth order statistic) and then simply iterate through the loop to check which elements are less than the kth smallest element. Note that this works correctly only for distinct element.

Here is the code in c:

    /*find the k smallest elements of an array in O(n) time. Using the Kth order 
statistic-random pivoting algorithm to find the kth smallest element and then looping 
through the array to find the elements smaller than kth smallest element.Assuming 
distinct elements*/

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #define SIZE 10
    #define swap(X,Y) {int temp=X; X=Y; Y=temp;}

    int partition(int array[], int start, int end)
            return start;
            return -1;
        int pos=end+1,j;
            if(array[j]<=array[start] && pos!=end+1)
            else if(pos==end+1 && array[j]>array[start])
        swap(array[start], array[pos]);
        return pos;

    int order_statistic(int array[], int start, int end, int k)
        if(start>end || (end-start+1)<k)
            return -1;                   //return -1 
        int pivot=rand()%(end-start+1)+start, position, p;
        swap(array[pivot], array[start]);
        position=partition(array, start, end);
        position=position-start+1;                  //size of left partition
            return array[p];
        else if(k<position)
            return order_statistic(array, start,p-1,k);
            return order_statistic(array,p+1,end,k-position);

    void main()
        srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
        int i, array[SIZE],k;
        printf("Printing the array...\n");
            array[i]=abs(rand()%100), printf("%d ",array[i]);
        int k_small=order_statistic(array,0,SIZE-1,k);
            printf("Not possible\n");
            return ;
        printf("\nk smallest elements...\n");
                printf("%d ",array[i]);
Author by


Updated on February 29, 2020


  • Admin
    Admin over 4 years

    I'm trying to write an algorithm which can print the k smallest numbers in an n-size-array in O(n) time, but I cannot reduce the time complexity to n. How can I do this?