Android - Shared element transitions with calling activity finish()


Solution 1

You can finish your activity in the onStop function, if you only want this to happen when you transition from A to B then create a flag and set it after you call startActivity(ctx,intent, bundle):

public void onStop() {

Make sure when you are done with activity B to call finish() and not finishAfterTranstion() since activity A is no longer there

After finishing the activity A, shared element in B might hang in screen if you press back. Set transitionName to null in ActivityB.onEnterAnimationComplete to avoid this.

Solution 2


Much better and simpler way

ActivityCompat. finishAfterTransition(this);

<3 support library.

Solution 3

This is maybe late but I had the same issue. What worked for me is:


This is included in the support library and works like charm.

PS: you don't needto call finish() when you call supportFinishAfterTransition() .

Solution 4

Try out finishAfterTransition() method in 5.0 and above you can finish the activity after the exit transition occurs.

Solution 5

If you use ActivityOptions.makeSceneTransitionAnimation(Activity, android.view.View, String) to make your transition you should use its callback method in Activity B to finish Activity A.

    setEnterSharedElementCallback(new SharedElementCallback() {
        public void onSharedElementEnd(List<String> sharedElementNames, List<View> sharedElements, List<View> sharedElementSnapshots) {
            super.onSharedElementEnd(sharedElementNames, sharedElements, sharedElementSnapshots);
                // finish Activity A

Author by


Updated on July 08, 2022


  • F.A.
    F.A. almost 2 years

    I'm working on making an application more Material and I'm just stuck on how to implement some shared element transitions. I have an activity A that starts another B and then calls finish() in order to remove it from the back stack. In my case I have an element I want to share between the two activities, but once it is passed from A to B, A no longer matters. If I don't call finish() after startActivity(ctx,intent, bundle) the exit/enter animation works perfectly. However, if I do call finish, there's a really ugly flicker before the animation starts.

    Is there something I'm overlooking or is it just not possible to do what I am trying to do?

  • guness
    guness almost 9 years
    I cant seem to find finishWithTransition. So I tried finishAfterTransition and did not work either.
  • ksarmalkar
    ksarmalkar almost 9 years
    Its in support library. Also try bumping your targetSDK version
  • Darren B
    Darren B over 8 years
    The call is actually: ActivityCompat.finishAfterTransition(this); Just tested and it works great.
  • xsorifc28
    xsorifc28 over 8 years
    this still causes flickering for me using a shared element.
  • ksarmalkar
    ksarmalkar over 8 years
    what do you mean by flickering ? can you upload some gif some where and post link here
  • David Murdoch
    David Murdoch over 8 years
    @ksarmalkar, finishAfterTransition doesn't call finish after the transition is complete; it just calls finish immediately. So if you are transitioning from Activity A to B, and B fades in, then A is gone so the Home screen bleeds through (or possibly another Activity). Note: this seems to happen only when using shared transitions.
  • Gabor Peto
    Gabor Peto about 7 years
    This does not work for me, the shared element transition is not correct when I do this. Everything is fine if I don't finish Activity A but I want to do so after the transition is finished. Can't get this to work.
  • extmkv
    extmkv almost 7 years
    finishAfterTransition is just calls after the activity transition, the shared elements is a different transition and you need to do the booleantrick.
  • Antonis Radz
    Antonis Radz over 5 years
    Only this solution worked when using shared elements transition
  • Demigod
    Demigod over 5 years
    It almost was great solution for me... but it doesn't work on huawei :)
  • Antonis Radz
    Antonis Radz about 4 years
    ActivityCompat. finishAfterTransition(this); is buggy, sometimes it is finishing, sometimes not, sometimes it is even causing crashes......