Android spinner with date picker, like Google Calendar app


Solution 1

Twaddington's comment on his answer is actually the right approach. What you need is to create a text view and apply the style


Then you can create a click listener on the text view and use it to open a DatePickerDialog. That can be accomplished as shown here: (If you follow the example, remember to add a default constructor to DatePickerDialogFragment so that your app does not crash on rotate)

Solution 2

I don't know if you still need this. But in the Contacts app, it is achieved with the following:

    ... />

This should work over all Android versions, as it is available since api level 1:

Solution 3

I'm not sure if this is what you're asking, but you should be able to follow the Date Picker tutorial on the Android developer website.

Also, the DatePicker and DatePickerDialog classes might be worth a look.

Author by


Hello, I'm Roxanne. I'm a Computer Science student at UCSB's College of Creative Studies (

Updated on April 08, 2020


  • Dash
    Dash about 4 years

    I'm trying to get a text box that looks like a spinner to activate a date picker dialog. This is done in both the Google Calendar app and the Contacts app (for birthdate) on ICS. Do I need to use a spinner, and if so how do I change it's input view to be a date picker? Or if not, how do I get a text view to have the little triangle that usually indicates a spinner?

  • Dash
    Dash over 12 years
    Thanks. I do know how to implement the date picker, but in the example it's brought up from a button click instead of from a spinner-like textview (which is what I want).
  • twaddington
    twaddington over 12 years
    Well, you should be able to activate the Dialog from the onClick listener on any View type. So, what you'll need to do is simply style a view (maybe a TextView) like they're doing in the apps you mentioned. I don't think there is a built-in Style or View that will do this for you. You could try applying the Android spinner styles to a basic TextView and see if that works:
  • Dash
    Dash over 12 years
    Yes, perfect! Setting the style does exactly what I wanted. Thank you!
  • codinguser
    codinguser about 12 years
    @twaddington your comment is actually the right approach for what was asked (more so than the actual answer).
  • Andy
    Andy almost 12 years
    @Dash which style did you use to get the same effect as the spinner like style Google uses on their calendar app to pop up TimePickers and DatePickers?
  • codinguser
    codinguser almost 12 years
    For a full example of how to use the DialogFragments with the DatePickerDialog, see a blog post I wrote about it:
  • Ryan R
    Ryan R over 11 years
    Just what I was looking for! Way easier then trying to mess around with Spinners. Thank you!
  • CommonsWare
    CommonsWare over 11 years
    Note that you should replace DeviceDefault.Light with whatever is appropriate for your app's theme.
  • ThePartyTurtle
    ThePartyTurtle over 6 years
    Assuming the intention is also to update the text in that view with the date the user selected?