Android Studio 2.2 Preview all screen sizes missing


Solution 1

The option to preview all screen sizes is not available in Android Studio 2.2 Beta 2. However, you can resize the preview screen to see how your layout would look on different screen sizes, as shown in the attached gif.

Android Studio 2.2 Beta 3 Preview Screen resize example

Solution 2

While preview all screen sizes seems to be gone, it is possible in 2.3 to view more than one screen size at the same time.

Right-click on the activity_main.xml (or whichever xml file) tab, and from the pop-up menu select split-vertically or split-horizontally.

This will create a second xml tab that can use a different screen for design/text. This can be repeated for more tabs, and the tabs can be "torn off" to float separately.

Author by


I am an android programmer and still a student in Hungary. I have 3 years of experience in android programming. I'm interested in AI, deep learning and of course android.

Updated on June 10, 2022


  • bendaf
    bendaf about 2 years

    Android studio before 2.2 version at the xml design screen there was a view like "Preview all screen sizes" (check the image) but I cannot find that in Android Studio 2.2 Beta 2. "Preview all screen sizes"

    My Android Studio version is:

    Android Studio 2.2 Beta 2
    Build #AI-145.3200535, built on August 18, 2016
    JRE: 1.8.0_76-release-b03 amd64
    JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o

    Could you help me where is it, how can I open it?

  • Manish Jain
    Manish Jain almost 8 years
    preview all screen option was gr8 & handy. We really miss that and hope google will come back with it soon.
  • ralphgabb
    ralphgabb over 6 years
    @ManishJain correct. Although this one is a bit dynamic than the previous feature. Still, wish they just add this and not remove the all prev feat.
  • Mia
    Mia about 5 years
    the split windows will sync up every time you change the device :(
  • Kirill Karmazin
    Kirill Karmazin almost 5 years
    the year 2019, Android Studio 3.4.1 does not support it... meanwhile, there are more and more different screen sizes out there. They need to do smth. about it