How to use the new Android Constraint Layout to reduce View hierarchy


Solution 1

You can go to an existing layout resource file, open the visual editor and right-click on a RelativeLayout (for example) and click the option to convert to a constraint layout.

You also have to add the Gradle dependency in build.gradle file:

compile ''

Solution 2

From Docs

If you're updating an existing project, proceed as follows:

Ensure you have the latest Android Support Repository (version 32 or higher): // This was the part that was missing for me

Click Tools > Android > SDK Manager. Click the SDK Tools tab. Select Android Support Repository, then click OK.

Add the updated Constraint Layout library as a dependency in your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
  compile ''

In the toolbar or sync notification, click Sync Project with Gradle Files.

To add a new constraint layout to your project:

  • Right-click on your module's layout directory, then click New > XML > Layout XML. Enter a name for the layout and enter "" for the Root Tag. Click Finish.

To convert an existing layout to a constraint layout:

  • Open your existing layout in Android Studio and select the Design tab at the bottom of the editor window. In the Component Tree window, right-click the layout and click Convert to ConstraintLayout.

Solution 3

Go though this link from Google CodeLabs. You will have basic idea of Constraint Layout and how to use different constraints like Manual Constraint, Auto Connect & Inference.

Also there is UI Builder & Inspector which will help us to build faster UI.

Solution 4

I tried many version, but i couldn't solve the issue! Finally i let Android Studio to solve this issue.

In the XML file, Beside error message you can see this option! Click on that to import reccomonded version

using version 1.0.0-alpha2 of the constraint library which is obsolete

or you can press alt+enter placing your cursor on error line

I got constraint-layout:1.0.0-alpha8, when i pressed alt+enter

compile ''

Solution 5

add dependencies

compile ''

And create new layout xml file --> goto design tab --> right click your root layout and select last option convert LinearLayout to ConstraintLayout

See Screenshot

enter image description here

Bogdan M.
Author by

Bogdan M.

Updated on November 25, 2020


  • Bogdan M.
    Bogdan M. over 3 years

    Do you have any idea on how to use the new Constraint Layout that was recently announced at this year's Google I/O?