Angular material 5 dark theme not applied to body


Solution 1

I had the same issue and found this solution on the Angular Material GitHub issue#3298 (post by JamieStill).

I wrapped all of my app.component.html content in a div

<div class="mat-typography app-frame mat-app-background">

And in app.component.css

html, body, app-root, .app-frame {
    overflow: hidden;
    margin: 0;
    height: 100%;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    color: #e0e0e0;

I've only tested this in a practice app in Angular 6, but I suspect it will work in Angular 5 as well.





Solution 2

if you add angular material after your project has started, you simply have to manually add mat-app-background class to your body element in your index.html as below:

<body class="mat-typography mat-app-background">

Solution 3

Only vh-100 mat-app-background in app.component.html

<div class="vh-100 mat-app-background">

Solution 4

I'm not sure why you are you manipulating the CDK overlay container. That seems unnecessary. Just bind your theme classes to the document body. See


theme: string = 'Light';

constructor(private renderer: Renderer2) {
  this.renderer.addClass(document.body, 'indigo-pink');

toggleTheme(): void {

  if (this.theme === 'Light') {
    this.theme = 'Dark';
    this.renderer.addClass(document.body, 'indigo-pink-dark');
    this.renderer.removeClass(document.body, 'indigo-pink');
  } else {
    this.theme = 'Light';
    this.renderer.addClass(document.body, 'indigo-pink');
    this.renderer.removeClass(document.body, 'indigo-pink-dark');

Solution 5

Late in the game, but try to set height to 100%. This is what fixed it for me. Here dark-theme is a global class that has my Angular Material dark theme in it. I put this HTML in app.component.html.

<div class="mat-app-background dark-theme" style="height: 100%;">

This was using Angular 9.

Author by


Author and front-end developer jQuery tutorials and other blog posts by Dan Wellman My new video series Learning Grunt is now available!

Updated on June 08, 2022


  • danwellman
    danwellman almost 2 years

    I've created a "custom" theme, (using the theming documentation at, which is pretty bad) like this:

    @import '~@angular/material/theming';
    @include mat-core();
    $ip-primary: mat-palette($mat-indigo);
    $ip-accent: mat-palette($mat-pink, A200, A100, A400);
    $ip-theme: mat-light-theme($ip-primary, $ip-accent);
    $ip-theme-dark: mat-dark-theme($ip-primary, $ip-accent);
    .indigo-pink {
      @include angular-material-theme($ip-theme);
    .indigo-pink-dark {
      @include angular-material-theme($ip-theme-dark);

    My index.html contains this:

    <body class="mat-app-background mat-typography">

    In the container for the app-root component, I switch between my custom class names (indigo-pink and indigo-pink-dark) using this:

    <div [ngClass]="appTheme">

    I am also setting the CDK overlay container class to my custom class name using this:

    setContainerClass(className: string): void {
      const containerClassToKeep = 'cdk-overlay-container';
      const overlayClassList = this.overlayContainer.getContainerElement().classList;
      const existingClasses = Array.from(overlayClassList);
      existingClasses.forEach(classToken => {
        if (classToken !== containerClassToKeep) {

    The main problem is that when I switch into the dark theme, I do see the indigo-pink-dark class name get added to my app component container correctly, but only some styles change (e.g. the toolbar at the top goes dark, and Material components) - the body of the page stays white. The theming guide (and other blog posts) say that using the mat-app-background should fix this exact problem.

    Additionally though, if I try manually update the background-color of the body, using e.g.

    .indigo-pink-dark {
      @include angular-material-theme($ip-theme-dark);
      body & {
        background-color: #000;

    Then this "background-color" just overlays the entire page and you cannot see any elements on the page. This is something to do with the CDK overlay, because if I remove the part that adds the class name to the overlay, it kind of works - the background of the page does get set correctly, but then overlays do not get correct styling.

  • danwellman
    danwellman about 6 years
    Primarily because the documentation says that you have to do this, and partly because overlay components were not being styled correctly before I added that part. The reason it works in the stackblitz is because you're using the sidenav-container component. But I am not using this, and would rather avoid it if possible. But thanks
  • G. Tranter
    G. Tranter about 6 years
    Right - I see. I think the problem is class hierarchy. Basically you define all of the Angular Material styling as a child of your light and dark theme classes. This works for the main app element (everything in it is a child), but the overlay element is not a child - it is a sibling. What needs to happen is to have the theme classes applied to <body> so that the overlay element is a child. That would also work for the main app element because it is also a child of <body>.
  • danwellman
    danwellman about 6 years
    Thanks, yes. Unfortunately, the body is outside of the root of my app, and as such I cannot access it with Angular. In NG1x we could make the body the root of the app, but in NG2+ it does not seem possible.
  • G. Tranter
    G. Tranter about 6 years
    Actually you can access it - you can inject the document or renderer object into the constructor of your app controller and add/remove classes (sorry for inline formatting): constructor(private renderer: Renderer2) { this.renderer.addClass(document.body, 'indigo-pink'); }. This won't work in stackblitz I don't think.
  • Gishu
    Gishu about 3 years
    Thanks.. the mat-app-background class on the body class did it for me. Before that controls on the main/app component were invisible - only seen on focus. Your tip made the dark theme complete :)
  • Robert
    Robert about 2 years
    Does it still work if you add a mat-select with mat-option?