AngularJS Testing: Protractor, Karma, Jasmine in a Yeoman App


Karma is a test-runner, so it runs your test. Jasmine is the framework that let you write test

In my opinion in Angularjs you :

  • must unit-test services, because your business code is there.
  • should unit-test controller, because users actions are there.
  • may unit-test custom directives (if you plan to share that directive with others, it's a must)

Protractor is made for E2E testing (tests navigation like a real user). It combines WebDriverJS with Jasmine and lets you write End-to-End tests (you simulate a real browser and taking real actions) with Jasmine syntax.

That kind of test is also really important in a web app.

You should not test everything, especially at the start of the project, those kinds of tests usually come with a high level of maintenance (i.e., when you change a screen you may have to change the test).

What I do is test the critical path and features. I made a reading app, so in my case, it was login, sign up, payment, access book, and access reader.

Andi Giga
Author by

Andi Giga

Updated on July 16, 2022


  • Andi Giga
    Andi Giga almost 2 years

    I use this yeoman generator:

    It installs three testing applications: Jasmine, Karma , Protractor According to this article (Should I be using Protractor or Karma for my end-to-end testing?), I should use: Karma for small tests of e.g. a single controller. Protactor if I want to test the whole app and simulate an user browsing through my app. According to this blog ( I would use Jasmine for unit testing and Karma for end-to-end integration tests.

    I guess Jasmine is the language where tests are written and the other two execute the code, is that correct? Also if I never wrote a test which is more important to learn first/ to focus on?

  • Andi Giga
    Andi Giga over 9 years
    Ok but what can I do with Protractor than? Is it also a test-runner and do I write there also in jasmine?
  • Andi Giga
    Andi Giga over 9 years
    Ah ok cool, how do test payment, because providers have transaction fees. Do have a cheap hidden product to save fees etc.? So I guess I start with learning Jasmine (like the blog article I posted) and the test suits are probably anyways controlled by gulp. Do have a good resource for learning Jasmine otherwise I just google for it?
  • Boris Charpentier
    Boris Charpentier over 9 years
    For payment I only check the access to the screen and the redirect, not the actuel payment. Jasmine has some doc but it's really more made to go and pick what you need, when you need it. What I use most is, spyOn, expect, toBe, toEqual, toHaveBeenCall, and specific to angularjs $httpBackend for network call stub.
  • Boris Charpentier
    Boris Charpentier over 9 years
    While I'm here, when you'r in test(ie having loading angularMock), you should know that you have to manually resolve promise calling $scope.$digest(); and $httpBackend.flush() for network call, the principle are that the angular team don't like asynchronous test, and so the behaviour in the test made that syncronous. And I think it's great :)