Apache 2.4 Package


Solution 1

I think the solution is to create a RPM as described here: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/platform/rpm.html

Solution 2

Considering that even Fedora rawhide (their development version) currently has only Apache 2.2.x, don't hold your breath if you want to wait for 'official' RHEL/CentOS packages.

I would modify the RPM spec file and compile Apache 2.4.x from there, but before that I would ask from myself "Do I really need this version?".


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • CraigH
    CraigH over 1 year

    Does anyone know where I can get a apache 2.4 package for centos 5/6?

    When i run yum upgrade httpd

    it returns with version: 2.2.3-53.el5.centos

    I have these repo lists installed:


    I understand I can download it from the website and run the ./configure but im sort of a newb so id rather just use yum.

    • EEAA
      EEAA over 12 years
      Well, with how slow the CentOS team has been as of late, I wouldn't count on having an apache 2.4 package until, oh, sometime in 2015 or so.
    • rvs
      rvs over 12 years
      @ErikA, that's not CentOS team, that's redhat. CentOS just rebuilds redhat and have same package versions.
    • voretaq7
      voretaq7 about 12 years
      If you really MUST be on the bleeding edge (which is pretty much where Apache 2.4 is right now) you may want to consider compiling Apache from source yourself and placing it in an isolated location (like /usr/local/apache-2.4/) so you can configure and test it. Apache 2.4 has lots of great features, but it's also going to need lots of work on your configuration to make it work under the new version.
  • rvs
    rvs over 12 years
    I think building rpm would be better option than installing from source. It should not be too hard to modify distro's spec file.
  • Khaled
    Khaled over 12 years
    @rvs: Yes, it may be easier if the OP is familiar with it.
  • Jordan Reiter
    Jordan Reiter over 11 years
    The latest version of httpd for CentOS still does not have SNI support.