Apache 2.4 restrict URL to certain IPs


Solution 1

Use Require [ip|host|env] to specify who has access to your vhost or location.

    <Directory "/docroot">
        Require ip

When it comes to redirecting, think about a custom error page. This is much more general, because every unauthorized access should provoke a 403 error and thus can be evaluated easily.

I never did this with apache, but use this strategie with nginx. For apache something like this should do:

ErrorDocument 403 http://homepage.example.com

Custom error documents are configured using the ErrorDocument directive, which may be used in global, virtualhost, or directory context. It may be used in .htaccess files if AllowOverride is set to FileInfo. (from the apache docs)

Solution 2

The Order, Deny, and Allow options have been replaced in Apache 2.4 with

<Directory /var/www/mysite.com/htdocs/public>
    Require all granted

You can explicitly restrict addresses through the use of the following:

<Directory /var/www/mysite.com/htdocs/public>
    Require all granted
    Require not ip

The exact opposite is true as well, to restrict all and only allow a sub-set use the following:

<Directory /var/www/mysite.com/htdocs/public>
    Require host example.com
    Require ip

More information is available on the Apache 2.4 access control documentation.

In regards to your question (edited my own due to a lack of points to add a comment,) you should be able to simply set an ErrorDocument with the index set as the URL-path:

<Directory /var/www/mysite.com/htdocs/public>
    Require host example.com
    Require ip
    ErrorDocument 401 /index.html

Hope this helps!

Solution 3

For Apache 2.4, you can use <RequireAny>. You can do it in a vhost or an .htaccess file....

SetEnvIF IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx AllowThisIP  # Or X-Real-IP
SetEnvIF IP yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy AllowThisIP
  Require env AllowThisIP
  Require host example.com

Apache docs https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_authz_core.html#requireany


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Denis Rendler
Author by

Denis Rendler

PHP Developer, DevOps enthusiast.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Denis Rendler
    Denis Rendler almost 2 years

    I am trying to restrict a specific URL to be available outside the network only to specific IP addresses. When a user outside tries to access that URL and not from the list of IPs he should be redirected to the homepage.

    This is what I've tried so far without any luck. The last part it redirects everyone to the homepage regardless of IP.

    <Location "/secret">
    #    <If "%{REMOTE_ADDR} != -ipmatch ''">
    #    Redirect 303 "/secret" /
    #    </If>
    RewriteCond "%{REMOTE_ADDR}" "!123\.123\.123\.123"
    RewriteRule .* / [R,L]
    LogLevel debug rewrite:trace6

    PS: the /secret URL is in fact a virtual URL and does not exist physically on the drive.

    • user9517
      user9517 almost 9 years
      the If statements are commented out ? Enable rewriting - RewriteEngine On ?
    • Denis Rendler
      Denis Rendler almost 9 years
      The <If> statement is one version that I tried. The RewriteEngine On directive is declared earlier. That's the reason it redirects everyone
    • Erenor Paz
      Erenor Paz over 7 years
      I think you should un-mark the selected answer, because it is not valid for Apache 2.4 as you requested (it gives wrong information to people passing by)
  • user9517
    user9517 almost 9 years
    This looks like a set of Apache httpd 2.2 configuration. Will it still work with 2.4 ?
  • Denis Rendler
    Denis Rendler almost 9 years
    Thanks, but I doesn't help. I forgot to mention, but I updated the question, the /secret URL is in fact a virtual URL and does not exist physically on the drive. The URL it self is a rewrite from index.php that's why I used the <Location> directive.
  • Denis Rendler
    Denis Rendler almost 9 years
    Thanks, @Linztm! But this solves only partially my problem. I don't want to only block the user but also redirect him to the homepage.
  • Denis Rendler
    Denis Rendler almost 9 years
    It seems to be working with the ErrorDocument directive only if I provide the full URL including domain and protocol. I will research further. Thanks.
  • Denis Rendler
    Denis Rendler almost 9 years
    It seems to be working with the ErrorDocument directive only if I provide the full URL including domain and protocol. I will research further. Thanks.
  • Alexei Martianov
    Alexei Martianov over 6 years
    I found at least one case when you need to use allow though deprecated, Require still allow access by external address from local machine, where as allow syntax allow only from 127 address.