Apache + LDAP Auth: access to / failed, reason: require directives present and no Authoritative handler


Solution 1

Your 'Require' line reads

Require ldap-group cn=CHANGED, cn=CHANGED

That doesn't look write - I don't believe you can have have two cn's in a DN like that.

Solution 2

For me and apache 2.2.14, this works like a champ for access control on a per-group basis

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Secret Area for IT Only"
AuthBasicProvider ldap
AuthzLDAPAuthoritative on
AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN off
AuthLDAPGroupAttribute memberUid
AuthLDAPURL "ldap://ldap1.example.int ldap2.company.int/cn=int"
Require ldap-group cn=it,ou=Groups,o=int

"int" is our internal domain for non-public servers.


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Karolis T.
Author by

Karolis T.

Live long and prosper.

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Karolis T.
    Karolis T. almost 2 years

    Can't solve this one, here's my .htaccess:

    AuthPAM_Enabled Off
    AuthType Basic
    AuthBasicProvider ldap
    AuthzLDAPAuthoritative on
    AuthName "MESSAGE"
    Require ldap-group cn=CHANGED, cn=CHANGED
    AuthLDAPURL "ldap://localhost/dc=CHANGED,dc=CHANGED?uid?sub?(objectClass=posixAccount)"
    AuthLDAPBindPassword CHANGED
    AuthLDAPGroupAttribute memberUid

    AuthLDAPURL is correct, BindDN and BindPassword are correct also (verified with ldapvi -D ..).

    Apache version: Apache/2.2.9 (Debian)

    The error message seems cryptic to me, I have AuthzLDAPAuthoritative on so where's the problem.


    LDAP modules are loaded, the problem is not with them being missing.

    # ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/*ldap*
    /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/authnz_ldap.load  /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ldap.load


    Solved it by changing funky

    Require ldap-group cn=CHANGED, cn=CHANGED

    line with

    Require valid-user

    Since AuthzLDAPAuthoritative is on, no other auth methods will be used and valid-user requirement will auth via LDAP. (right? :/)

    • crb
      crb about 15 years
      Do you have two "cn"s in your Require ldap-group, or is just your redacting?
    • Matt Simmons
      Matt Simmons about 15 years
      Funny question, but you did do AllowOverride all in your <Directory "/"> definition, right?
    • crb
      crb about 15 years
      Was my comment enough that I should post it as an answer and you accept it? :)
    • Karolis T.
      Karolis T. about 15 years
      Sure, go ahead :)
    • Jeffrey Hulten
      Jeffrey Hulten about 15 years
      What LDAP source are you using? I have found that the Windows AD LDAP implementation does not allow for a 'sub' level search on a DC, but does work on an OU.
  • Karolis T.
    Karolis T. about 15 years
    Yes, I have them loaded. I've updated the question accordingly.
  • phirschybar
    phirschybar about 15 years
    "No authoritative handler" implies that apache cannot use them for some reason.
  • Admin
    Admin over 13 years
    One note on Require ldap-group If you are connecting to the global catalog port, keep in mind that group memberships are NOT replicated to global catalogs UNLESS the group is a universal group. I.e. if you make a Global group AND try to authenticate using require ldap-group AND are connecting to port 3268 IT WILL NOT WORK. Convert it to a universal group and viola.