Apache Webserver does not show directory listings but 403 - Yosemite


open "/private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf" in an editor. Scroll down until you find this part:

<Directory "/Library/WebServer/Documents">

Inside there you'll need to add "Indexes" to your "Options". For me, this meant changing this line:

Options FollowSymLinks Multiviews


Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews

Then restart apache:

apachectl restart

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Dragan Marjanovic
Author by

Dragan Marjanovic

I am a rookie web designer who is eager to learn. I play around and test stuff on my website, gagalug.com.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Dragan Marjanovic
    Dragan Marjanovic almost 2 years

    localhost points to /Libary/WebServer/Documents. If I have an index.html file in there it opens, no problems. However if I remove the index file it gives me a 403 error instead of showing the directory listing - same applies for all subfolders.

    Just upgraded to Yosemite, MBA.

    How can I get it to show directory listings again?


  • Nikola Lukic
    Nikola Lukic almost 6 years
    Hot to get permission for textEditor to modify file?