Applying ng-class based on value


I haven't seen that particular syntax used before, what's the rationale behind {true: 'warning', false: 'ok'}[scores.Indicator == 'Negative']?

The way I would use ngClass here is

<tr ng-repeat="scores in Test" ng-class="{warning: (scores.Indicator == 'Negative'), ok: (scores.Indicator != 'Negative')}">

Does that work?

For better readability you could delegate it to the controller as well

<tr ng-repeat="scores in Test" ng-class="scoreClass(scores)">

$scope.scoreClass = function(scores) {
    return scores.Indicator == 'Negative' ? 'warning': 'ok';

Or you could create a directive

<tr ng-repeat="scores in Test" score-class scores="scores">

.directive('scoreClass', [function() {

    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        scope: {
            scores: '=',
        link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
            scope.$watch('scores', function() {
                if (scope.scores.Indicator == 'Negative') {
                } else {
            }, true);
Oam Psy
Author by

Oam Psy

Updated on May 21, 2020


  • Oam Psy
    Oam Psy about 4 years

    I have a simple ng-repeat that displays a list of scores and a value of either Positive or Negative.

    What i am trying to do is when the value is Negative, display a red background CSS class, and when Positive, display a green CSS class. However, for some reason, i am always seeing the red CSS class on my page.


    <tr ng-repeat="scores in Test" ng-class="{true: 'warning', false: 'ok'}[scores.Indicator == 'Negative']">                       
         <td>Overall: {{ scores.Indicator }}</td>


    .warning {
        background: red;
    .ok {
        background: green;
  • Oam Psy
    Oam Psy about 10 years
    The rational is behind Solution 2 in the answer here:… Using your answer, my rows are now all green (even for the Negative ones)
  • ivarni
    ivarni about 10 years
    Hmm.. that's interresting, I wonder if your original approach would work with "{true: 'warning', false: 'ok'}[(scores.Indicator == 'Negative')]? (e.g wrapping the logical test in the square brackets with parentheses)
  • ivarni
    ivarni about 10 years
    @OamPsy Well, now I'm confused. I pasted your HTML into a plnkr and it worked fine.
  • Oam Psy
    Oam Psy about 10 years
    as mentioned above, i had a syntax error, your solution works