Armadillo, how to grow a vector and get his size?


See Armadillo's documentation. For example, you can use X.n_elem to get the length of vector X. To resize a vector while preserving the data, use .resize(). To add a row or column to a matrix, use .insert_rows() or .insert_cols().

Note that resizing objects inside performance critical loops (whether they're Armadillo matrices/vectors or std::vector) is not efficient. It's far better to work out the correct size beforehand.

The Unholy Metal Machine
Author by

The Unholy Metal Machine

(your about me is currently more black than black itself) (I make my own booze) I'm human, that means : sometimes I have a bad temper, I can do shit, I am biased, I show contradictions... ... but I do like a God! (Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image)

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • The Unholy Metal Machine
    The Unholy Metal Machine about 2 years

    In my last question, Ilmari Karonen propose to me to solve the Laplace equation in discret mode. I'm using a grid and the four closest neighbours at each node to compute the unknown heights.

    enter image description here

    So the system to solve can be written with matrix :

    A(matrix nxn) * U(vector n, unknowns) = b(vector n, settled)

    last evening I looked around the web about linear algebra for C++. My choice is Armadillo. But for now "U" and "b" are std::map :

    std::map<std::pair<float,float>,float> b;
    std::map<std::pair<float,float>,float> U;
    if(g/*grid*/->getNode(r,c)->status == TO_COMPUTE){
              /*right*/ if(g->getNode(r+1,c)->status == SETTLED),c)) += g >getNode(r+1,c)->y;
              /*left */ if(g->getNode(r-1,c)->status == SETTLED),c)) += g->getNode(r-1,c)->y;
              /*down */ if(g->getNode(r,c+1)->status == SETTLED),c)) += g->getNode(r,c+1)->y;
              /*up   */ if(g->getNode(r,c-1)->status == SETTLED),c)) += g->getNode(r,c-1)->y;

    and I think I will have then to get the size of "U" to create arma::vec and to parse the whole map with an std::iterator to transfer the values in my arma::vec. So I would like to know how to grow a arma::vec I'm looking for something like std::vector::push_back(), then I will replace my std::map. Also how can I get the size for a arma::vec?

    note1 : the picture shows the contours and the points where I will compute the values, the grid with unknow value is at y=0, when the lower contour is at y=-0.2 and the upper contour at y=0.8

    note2 : when my little (LINUX) program will be ready I will release the code on my bitbucket as a very tiny example of use of discret Laplace operator

    Update 26 Nov. 2013:

    you can get the link to the code here