Automatic Copy of Dependent Files in Qt Creator


Solution 1

In QT 5.3, you may be able to use the windeployqt qt tool to automatically copy the needed libraries.

The following additions to the project's .pro file should do the trick, but you might have to make some adjustments based on your particular situation.

isEmpty(TARGET_EXT) {
    win32 {
        TARGET_CUSTOM_EXT = .exe
    macx {
        TARGET_CUSTOM_EXT = .app
} else {

win32 {
    DEPLOY_COMMAND = windeployqt
macx {
    DEPLOY_COMMAND = macdeployqt

CONFIG( debug, debug|release ) {
    # debug
    DEPLOY_TARGET = $$shell_quote($$shell_path($${OUT_PWD}/debug/$${TARGET}$${TARGET_CUSTOM_EXT}))
} else {
    # release
    DEPLOY_TARGET = $$shell_quote($$shell_path($${OUT_PWD}/release/$${TARGET}$${TARGET_CUSTOM_EXT}))

#  # Uncomment the following line to help debug the deploy command when running qmake

# Use += instead of = if you use multiple QMAKE_POST_LINKs

Solution 2

I would modify your *.pro file for the project and use INSTALLS. To actually cause the files to be moved, you will need to run make install. In Qt Creator, you can add it as part of your normal build process by going into the "Projects" section and adding a new build step.

## This sets MY_LIB_FILES the libs you want and should also correctly resolve
## the location of the libs.

win32 {                ## For Windows builds
    # Note: Check to make sure of file name case


unix {                     ## For unix builds
    # MY_LIB_FILES += $$QMAKE_LIBDIR_QT/...xxxxxx....

## Define what files are 'extra_libs' and where to put them
extra_libs.files = MY_LIB_FILES
extra_libs.path = $$DESTDIR

## Tell qmake to add the moving of them to the 'install' target
INSTALLS += extra_libs

Solution 3

Even though not totally automatic, you can with little effort do what you want with QtCreator.

Add the "INSTALLS" directive to your project (.pro) file (similar to what was suggested by jwernerny):

win32 {
    libstocopy.files = $$QMAKE_LIBDIR_QT/MINGWM10.DLL \
       ... (add other files)

# If using MSVC the code may end up in "release" or "debug" sub dir
# Remove this if that is not the case
win32 {
    CONFIG(debug, debug|release): OUTDIR = debug
    else: OUTDIR = release

libstocopy.path = $$OUT_PWD/$$OUTDIR
INSTALLS += libstocopy

In the "Projects" tab of QtCreator (my version=2.4.1) you now add an extra build step:

  • Hit "Add Build Step"
  • Select "Make"
  • Leave "Override ..." empty
  • Enter "install" at "Make arguments:"

Since these settings are not saved with your project file you have to do the second part (Add Build Step) each time you create a new build configuration (e.g. one each for release and debug) or check out your project to a new location.

Author by


Yet to be discovered.

Updated on June 03, 2022


  • Donotalo
    Donotalo about 2 years

    I've build a program using Qt Creator 2.2.1 and Qt 4.7.4 (32 bit) whose output is an executable. Opening the exe using DependencyWalker it shows that the exe uses following DLLs:

    • KERNEL32.DLL
    • MINGWM10.DLL
    • LIBGCC_S_DW2-1.DLL
    • QTGUI4.DLL

    I want after the build all dependent files (which may be different in some other project) except Windows specific files (the first two in the above list) to be automatically copied in the directory where the exe is located.

    How can I do it in Qt Creator or Qt system without using command line scripting? Thanks.

  • Thomas Vincent
    Thomas Vincent almost 13 years
    I think the complicated part of his question is about to do this automatically regarding dependent files ...
  • Donotalo
    Donotalo almost 13 years
    I can't make it work. What is make install alternative in Windows 7 Ultimate?
  • Donotalo
    Donotalo almost 13 years
    I tried mingw32-make install and qmake install but neither work.
  • jwernerny
    jwernerny almost 13 years
    @Donotaio You should use the same "make" utility as you do for building your code (or the same one as QtCreator invokes). If you build your code with nmake, then use nmake install.
  • ForceMagic
    ForceMagic over 11 years
    @Donotalo I was also having problem with make install which was just doing nothing. That is because you need to set $$DESTDIR yourself, see this thread :
  • Donotalo
    Donotalo almost 10 years
    Thanks for letting me know about this feature. :)
  • Dominique McDonnell
    Dominique McDonnell almost 9 years
    You could add some explanation as to why they should do this.
  • kayleeFrye_onDeck
    kayleeFrye_onDeck over 8 years
    Be careful when using this. You might be tempted to strip the shell quote/path functionality, but you really don't want to do that. Qt likes to use a more linux-style of slashes. It might make your code look cluttered and ugly, but it's worth the safety boilerplate.
  • Zitrax
    Zitrax almost 8 years
    Thanks it works. But is there any way to get "make clean" remove the specific files this copies ? I guess I could remove the whole directory of course - just wonder if there is any other approach.
  • Pat
    Pat over 7 years
    Great trick. Please note that this won't work if the ...deployqt program is not in the PATH. In Qt Creator it will be in the path, but it may not be if qmake is run from the shell. Suggestion: DEPLOY_COMMAND = $$shell_quote($$shell_path($$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]\windeployqt)) and similar for the macdeployqt.
  • goulashsoup
    goulashsoup almost 6 years
    One thing i noticed is that the extra_libs.files = MY_LIB_FILES line can not work because the variable MY_LIB_FILES does not get resolved. To resolve variables double dollar signs ($$) need to be used: $$MY_LIB_FILES. So the line becomes: extra_libs.files = $$MY_LIB_FILES. Just if someone decides to adopt the answer...
  • nobjta_9x_tq
    nobjta_9x_tq about 4 years
    I added in my pro file, application not show error but cannot render anything inside windows.