AWS API Tools "Command Not Found" When Executing from Cron


In addition to specifying the full path to the command as @ceejayoz says in the comments, you'll also need to set EC2_HOME to point to your EC2 tools directory, and you may also need to add $EC2_HOME/bin to your PATH in order for referenced files in the command scripts to be picked up correctly.

Rather than specifying a bunch of environment variables in your crontab, it's neater and more reliable to create a shell script that sets the environment and calls your command, and then call the script from your crontab.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Chris
    Chris almost 2 years

    I have created this bash script to generate a snapshot of my EBS Volume

    #! /usr/bin/bash
    ec2-create-snapshot -d "My Snapshot" vol-XXXXXXX -O <MyKey> -W <MyOtherKey>

    And it works when I run this line in terminal, while connected to the server


    Then I created this crontab

    0 * * * * (bash ~/../bash/
    #0 * * * * ~/../bash/
    #0 * * * * (/usr/bin/bash ~/../bash/ 

    And I get this message in my email

    /home/ec2-user/../bash/ line 4: ec2-create-snapshot: command not found

    I'm out of ideas about how to make this work. The problem seems to be that when executed from the crontab, the script is not finding the AWS API Tools.

    Any ideas would be very appreciated.

    For clarity, here is what ended up working. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

    Connect to the server and then type echo $EC2_HOME and hit enter.

    Then type echo $JAVA_HOME and hit enter.

    Then type sudo find / -name "ec2-create-snapshot" (this one might return multiple values)

    Make a note of the values that each of these return. You will use them in a minute.

    Create this bash script:

    #! /usr/bin/bash
    export EC2_HOME=/your/ec2_home/path
    export JAVA_HOME=/your/java_home/path
    # Create an AWS Snapshot
    /path/to/your/ec2-create-snapshot -d "Your Snapshot Description" vol-yourvolid -O YOURPUBLICKEY -W YOURPRIVATEKEY

    You should be able to execute this by typing bash into the terminal

    Then open your cron with contab -e and add this line:

    * * * * * (bash ~/your/dir/ #CREATE AWS Snapshot

    Hope this helps someone.

    • ceejayoz
      ceejayoz over 11 years
      Specify the full path to ec2-create-snapshot. cron runs with a minimal $PATH.
    • gareth_bowles
      gareth_bowles over 11 years
      Ah, thanks for posting what finally worked; I forgot that some of the EC2 CLI commands need JAVA_HOME to be set.
  • Chris
    Chris over 11 years
    My path is (I think) /opt/aws/bin - I am running set EC2_PATH=/opt/aws and keep getting a message now that says "EC2_HOME is not set" - tried searching for help, but can you point me to how to properly set this?
  • ceejayoz
    ceejayoz over 11 years
    Do echo $EC2_HOME as your normal user and you'll see what it's set to.