bash string to array with spaces and extra delimiters


Solution 1

Your first attempt is pretty close. The main problems are these:

  • for line in `cat $userList` splits the file by $IFS, not by line-breaks. So you should set IFS=$'\n' before the loop, and IFS='|' inside the loop. (By the way, it's worth noting that the for ... in `cat ...` approach reads out the entire file and then splits it up, so this isn't the best approach if the file can be big. A read-based approach would be better in that case.)
  • arr=("$line"), by wrapping $line in double-quotes, prevents word-splitting, and therefore renders $IFS irrelevant. It should just be arr=($line).
  • Since $line has a leading pipe, you either need to strip it off before you get to arr=($line) (by writing something like $line="${line#|}"), or else you need to treat arr as a 1-based array (since ${arr[0]}, the part before the first pipe, will be empty).

Putting it together, you get something like this:

for line in `cat $userList`; do
  echo "Username: ${arr[1]}"  #not assigning a variable, just testing the output
  echo "Full Name: ${arr[2]}"
  echo "Phone 1: ${arr[3]}"
  echo "Phone 2: ${arr[4]}"
  # etc..

(Note: I didn't worry about the fields' leading and trailing spaces, because of the "I can do that step separately" part . . . or did I misunderstand that? Do you need help with that part as well?)

Solution 2

while read username fullname phone1 phone2 dateadded servers comments; do
    printf 'username: %s\n' "$username"
    printf 'fullname: %s\n' "$fullname"
    printf 'phone1: %s\n' "$phone1"
    printf 'phone2: %s\n' "$phone2"
    printf 'date added: %s\n' "$dateadded"
    printf 'servers: %s\n' "$servers"
    printf 'comments: %s\n' "$comments"
done < infile.txt

Solution 3

Another solution:

shopt -s extglob

declare -a label=( "" "Username" "Full Name" "Phone 1" "Phone 2"  )

while IFS='|' read  -a fld ; do
  for (( n=1; n<${#label[@]}; n+=1 )); do
    echo  "${label[n]}:  ${item%%+([[:space:]])}"
done < "$infile"

Leading and trailing blanks will be removed.

Solution 4

Using arrays and paste. Doesn't account for empty fields since OP said it's not a requirement.

userList='jdoe|John Doe|555-1212||1/1/11|workstation1, server1|added by me'

fields=("Username: " "Full Name: " "Phone 1: " "Phone 2: " "Date_added: " "Servers: " "Comments: ")

IFS='|' read -ra data <<<${userList}

paste <(IFS=$'\n'; echo "${fields[*]}") <(IFS=$'\n'; echo "${data[*]}")

Username:       jdoe
Full Name:      John Doe
Phone 1:        555-1212
Phone 2: 
Date_added:     1/1/11
Servers:        workstation1, server1
Comments:       added by me
Author by


Updated on August 26, 2020


  • Martin
    Martin over 3 years

    I'm trying to create arrays from strings that have pipe ("|") as delimiters and include spaces. I've been looking around for a while and I've gotten close thanks to sources like How do I split a string on a delimiter in Bash?, Splitting string into array and a bunch more. I'm close but it's not quite working. The two main problems are that there are spaces in the strings, there are starting and ending delimiters, and some of the fields are blank. Also, instead of just echoing the values, I need to assign them to variables. Here's the format of the source data:

    |username|full name|phone1|phone2|date added|servers|comments|


    |jdoe | John Doe| 555-1212 | |1/1/11 |  workstation1, server1 | added by me |

    Here's what I need:

    Username: jdoe
    Fullname: John Doe
    Phone1: 555-1212
    Date_added: 1/1/11
    Servers: workstation1, server1
    Comments: guest account

    Edit: I use sed to strip out the first and last delimiter and spaces before and after each delimiter, input is now:

    jdoe|John Doe|555-1212||1/1/11|workstation1, server1|added by me

    Here's things I've tried:

    oIFS="$IFS"; IFS='|'
    for line in `cat $userList`; do
      echo "Username: ${arr[0]}"  #not assigning a variable, just testing the output
      echo "Full Name: ${arr[1]}"
      echo "Phone 1: ${arr[2]}"
      echo "Phone 2: ${arr[3]}"
      # etc..


    Full Name: 
    Phone 1:
    Phone 2:
    Username: jdoe
    Full Name: 
    Phone 1:
    Phone 2:
    Username: John Doe
    Full Name: 
    Phone 1:
    Phone 2:

    Another thing I tried:

    for line in `cat $userList`; do
      arr=(${line//|/ })
      echo "Username: ${arr[0]}"
      echo "Full Name: ${arr[1]}"
      echo "Phone 1: ${arr[2]}"
      echo "Phone 2: ${arr[3]}"
      # etc


    Username: jdoe
    Full Name: John
    Phone 1:
    Phone 2:
    Username: Doe
    Full Name: 555-1212
    Phone 1:
    Phone 2:

    Any suggestions? Thanks!!

  • kojiro
    kojiro over 12 years
    OP uses `cat $userList`, but $(<"$userList") would be preferable.
  • jaypal singh
    jaypal singh over 12 years
    Funny, I didn't see the IFS='|' mentioned before so I wondered how would it work without setting the IFS. Sorry about that.
  • kojiro
    kojiro over 12 years
    @JaypalSingh SO gives you a few seconds to edit a new post before it starts tracking edits. When I originally posted this, I mis-pasted the IFS line, but I had it in within 12 seconds. You're fast. ;)
  • SiegeX
    SiegeX over 12 years
    This is the closest solution so far, but your PE's wont get rid of an arbitrary amount of whitespace, just one. You can fix this through the use of shopt -s extglob and use ${item##+([[:space:]])} and ${item%%+([[:space:]])}
  • SiegeX
    SiegeX over 12 years
    Also, might I suggest you use for ((n=1; n<=${#label[@]}; n++)) to be more flexible if he decides to add another field