Batch ERRORLEVEL ping response


Solution 1

I 'm not exactly sure what the interaction between FIND and setting the error level is, but you can do this quite easily:

@echo off
for /f %%i in ('ping racer ^| find /c "(0%% loss)"') do SET MATCHES=%%i
echo %MATCHES%

This prints 0 if the ping failed, 1 if it succeeded. I made it look for just "0% loss" (not specifically 4 pings) so that the number of pings can be customized.

The percent sign has been doubled so that it's not mistaken for a variable that should be substituted.

The FOR trick serves simply to set the output of a command as the value of an environment variable.

Solution 2

A more reliable ping error checking method:

@echo off
set "host="

ping -n 1 "%host%" | findstr /r /c:"[0-9] *ms"

if %errorlevel% == 0 (
    echo Success.
) else (
    echo FAILURE.

This works by checking whether a string such as 69 ms or 314ms is printed by ping.

(Translated versions of Windows may print 42 ms (with the space), hence we check for that.)


Other proposals, such as matching time= or TTL are not as reliable, because pinging IPv6 addresses doesn't show TTL (at least not on my Windows 7 machine) and translated versions of Windows may show a translated version of the string time=. Also, not only may time= be translated, but sometimes it may be time< rather than time=, as in the case of time<1ms.

Solution 3

If you were to

echo "Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),"

you would see the % is stripped. You need to escape it as % has a special meaning within a batch file:

"Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0%% loss),"

However its simpler to use TTL as the indication of success;

.. | find "TTL"

Solution 4

Testing for 0% loss may give a false positive, in this scenario: Let's say you normally have a network drive on some_IP-address, and you want to find out whether or not it's on.

If that drive is off, and you ping some_IP-address, the IP address from which you ping, will respond:
Answer from your_own_IP-address: target host not reachable
... 0% loss

You might be better off using if exist or if not exist on that network location.

Solution 5

Another variation without using any variable

ping racer -n 1 -w 100>nul || goto :pingerror

echo Host down
goto eof

exit /b
Author by


Updated on July 09, 2022


  • LastStar007
    LastStar007 almost 2 years

    I'm trying to use a batch file to confirm a network connection using ping. I want to do batch run and then print if the ping was successful or not. The problem is that it always displays 'failure' when run as a batch. Here is the code:

    @echo off
    ping racer | find "Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),"
    if not errorlevel 1 set error=success
    if errorlevel 1 set error=failure
    echo Result: %error%

    'racer' is the name of my computer. I'm having my computer ping itself so I can eliminate the variable of a poor connection. As I said before, the batch always results in failure. Oddly enough, the program works fine if I copy the code into the command prompt. Does anyone know why the program works fine in the command prompt but doesn't work as a batch? Thanks

  • LastStar007
    LastStar007 about 12 years
    I saw something about using "TTL" on another post, but wanted to avoid it because someone said it can return a false positive.
  • LastStar007
    LastStar007 about 12 years
    Thanks for your help! [This] (…) link was where I started this project, and its example used FIND.
  • l0ft13
    l0ft13 about 10 years
    problem with this is the errorlevel is only set to 1 if the host is unknown - if you ping an ip address which doesn't respond it still returns 0
  • Stephan
    Stephan almost 9 years
    OP intended to implement a sort of connection quality test - therefore a ping with several answers and checking for 0% loss. net viewwon't do that.
  • jdw
    jdw over 8 years
    Agree. Here's the situation described further: C:\>ping -n 1 Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from Destination host unreachable. Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 1, Received = 1, Lost = 0 (0% loss), C:\>echo %errorlevel% 0
  • littleguga
    littleguga over 7 years
    ms is also translated in other languages(e.g. Russian).
  • David Glickman
    David Glickman about 7 years
    Please provide more information when you give an answer. See How to Answer
  • jacktrader
    jacktrader almost 7 years
    Very neat method, I've seen a lot of batch but have never seen that. However, I'd modify it to be more like 'ping -n 1 > nul 2>&1 && echo Success || echo failed'. Kudos
  • moteus
    moteus over 6 years
    It may not works. e.g. I got %0 loss when get response like Host unreachable
  • Stephan
    Stephan about 5 years
    Note: this is language dependent (my ping says Anwort von ...) Also it only works with IP-Addresses, not with hostnames (as requested by the question).
  • Stephan
    Stephan about 5 years
    does not (try to) answer the question.
  • BuvinJ
    BuvinJ over 3 years
    Hmm. "ms" worked on French Windows. It would be great if anyone could look into, and post, the specifics of this, notably on which languages "ms" would fail on.