Best way to Handle Exception Globally in Node.js with Express 4?


Solution 1

Errors might came from and caught in various locations thus it's recommended to handle errors in a centralized object that handles all types of errors. For example, error might occurs in the following places:

1.Express middleware in case of SYNC error in a web request

app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
//call handler here

2.CRON jobs (scheduled tasks)

3.Your initialization script

4.Testing code

5.Uncaught error from somewhere

    process.on('uncaughtException', function(error) {

6.Unhandled promise rejection

 process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, p){
   //call handler here

Then when you catch errors, pass them to a centralized error handler:

    module.exports.handler = new errorHandler();

function errorHandler(){
    this.handleError = function (error) {
        return logger.logError(err).then(sendMailToAdminIfCritical).then(saveInOpsQueueIfCritical).then(determineIfOperationalError);

For more information read bullet 4' here (+ other best practices and more than 35 quotes and code examples)

Solution 2

In express, it's standard practice to have a catch all error handler attached. A barebones error handler would look like

// Handle errors
app.use((err, req, res, next) => {
    if (! err) {
        return next();

    res.send('500: Internal server error');

Along with this, you will need to catch errors anywhere they can happen and pass them as a param in next(). This will make sure that the catch all handler catches the errors.

Ashish Kumar
Author by

Ashish Kumar

Updated on July 09, 2022
