Bing Maps - Invoke Click Event on PushPin


Looks like for some reason is not coming in displayInfobox function.

I have but modified your code a little bit at 2, 3 places to get something close to your intended point. Please check it below:

var map = null;    
var dataLayer = null;    
var infoboxLayer = null;

function loadMap() {

    //Prep default location    
    var defaultLocation = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(53.6880, -2.6646);

    //Prep Map Options    
    var mapOptions = {
        //credentials: 'KEY_REMOVED',
        center: defaultLocation,
        mapTypeId: Microsoft.Maps.MapTypeId.road,
        zoom: 7,
        enableClickableLogo: false,
        enableSearchLogo: false

    //Initialise the primary map control
    map = new Microsoft.Maps.Map(document.getElementById('BobElliotMap'), mapOptions);

    //Add data layer
    dataLayer = new Microsoft.Maps.EntityCollection();

    // Add infobox layer
    infoboxLayer = new Microsoft.Maps.EntityCollection();

    //Prep InfoBox & add to infobox layer
    var infoboxOptions = {
        width: 300,
        height: 200,
        visible: false,
        offset: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(0, 20)

    infobox = new Microsoft.Maps.Infobox(new Microsoft.Maps.Location(0, 0), infoboxOptions);


    //Add Data to the map

    setTimeout(function() {
        //Initial zoom for testing zoomMap function
        var pushpin = dataLayer.get(0);
        var indx = dataLayer.indexOf(pushpin);
        zoomMap(indx, pushpin.getLocation().latitude, pushpin.getLocation().longitude);


function displayInfobox(e) {

    if ( &&"pin") != -1 ) {
        alert("click event fired on pushpin");

            visible: true,
            offset: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(0, 25)


        //A buffer limit to use to specify the infobox must be away from the edges of the map.

        var buffer = 30;
        var infoboxOffset = infobox.getOffset();
        var infoboxAnchor = infobox.getAnchor();
        var infoboxLocation = map.tryLocationToPixel(, Microsoft.Maps.PixelReference.control);
        var dx = infoboxLocation.x + infoboxOffset.x - infoboxAnchor.x;
        var dy = infoboxLocation.y - 25 - infoboxAnchor.y;

        if (dy < buffer) { //Infobox overlaps with top of map.
            //#### Offset in opposite direction.
            dy *= -1;
            //#### add buffer from the top edge of the map.
            dy += buffer;
        } else {
            //#### If dy is greater than zero than it does not overlap.
            dy = 0;

        if (dx < buffer) { //Check to see if overlapping with left side of map.
            //#### Offset in opposite direction.
            dx *= -1;
            //#### add a buffer from the left edge of the map.
            dx += buffer;
        } else { //Check to see if overlapping with right side of map.
            dx = map.getWidth() - infoboxLocation.x + infoboxAnchor.x - infobox.getWidth();
            //#### If dx is greater than zero then it does not overlap.
            if (dx > buffer) {
                dx = 0;
            } else {
                //#### add a buffer from the right edge of the map.
                dx -= buffer;

        //#### Adjust the map so infobox is in view
        if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) {
                centerOffset: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(dx, dy),
                center: map.getCenter()

function DrawPins() {

    var pin0 = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(new Microsoft.Maps.Location(53.1913, -2.51945)); = "pin_0";
    pin0.Title = "** CYCLONE CYCLES A/C CLOSED";
    pin0.Description = "74 WEAVER STREET<br />WINSFORD<br />CHESHIRE<br />CW7 4AA<br /><br /><b>Tel:</b> +44606861992";
    Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pin0, 'click', displayInfobox);
    var pin1 = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(new Microsoft.Maps.Location(53.7485, -0.348162)); = "pin_1";
    pin1.Title = "**2 WHEELS CYCLES LIMITED - HULL";
    pin1.Description = "8 SPRING STREET<br />HULL<br />HU2 8RB<br /><br /><b>Tel:</b> +44482216170<br /><b>Fax:</b> +44828515<br /><b>Web:</b> <a href='' targer='_blank'></a>";
    Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pin1, 'click', displayInfobox);

function zoomMap(indx, Lat, Long) {

    var ZoomLocation = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(Lat, Long);

        zoom: 13,
        center: ZoomLocation

    //#### These are the lines that dont work, selectedPin remains undefined
    //var selectedPin = dataLayer.entities.get(PinID);
    //Microsoft.Maps.Events.invoke(selectedPin, 'click', '');

    var selectedPin = dataLayer.get(indx);
    Microsoft.Maps.Events.invoke(selectedPin, 'click');
Author by


Software Engineer &amp; Database Administrator. Cohens Chemist Group (UK) HeavenCore - Personal Site Cohens Chemist - Work Site SOreadytohelp

Updated on June 28, 2022


  • HeavenCore
    HeavenCore about 2 years

    I have the following bing map:

    When a shop is selected in the left-hand list the map auto centers on that pushpin, what i need to do now is invoke the click() handle of that pin (or show the relevant InfoBox).

    Problem is, i'm pushing the pins into a Microsoft.Maps.EntityCollection(); called dataLayer so i cant call map.entities.get() directly - or rather - if i try calling it this way get() does not return anything.

    Note the zoomMap() function at the bottom of this snippet, i have commented out the lines in question.

    How can i invoke the click event?

    var map = null;
    var dataLayer = null;
    var infoboxLayer = null;
    function loadMap() {
        //#### Prep default location
        var defaultLocation = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(53.6880, -2.6646);
        //#### Prep Map Options
        var mapOptions = {
            credentials: 'KEY_REMOVED',
            center: defaultLocation,
            mapTypeId: Microsoft.Maps.MapTypeId.road,
            zoom: 7,
            enableClickableLogo: false,
            enableSearchLogo: false
        //#### Initialise the primary map control
        map = new Microsoft.Maps.Map(document.getElementById('BobElliotMap'), mapOptions);
        //#### Add data layer
        dataLayer = new Microsoft.Maps.EntityCollection();
        //#### Add infobox layer
        infoboxLayer = new Microsoft.Maps.EntityCollection();
        //#### Prep InfoBox & add to infobox layer
        var infoboxOptions = {
            width: 300,
            height: 200,
            visible: false,
            offset: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(0, 20)
        infobox = new Microsoft.Maps.Infobox(new Microsoft.Maps.Location(0, 0), infoboxOptions);
        //#### Add Data to the map
    function displayInfobox(e) {
        if (e.targetType == "pushpin") {
                visible: true,
                offset: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(0, 25)
            //#### A buffer limit to use to specify the infobox must be away from the edges of the map.
            var buffer = 30;
            var infoboxOffset = infobox.getOffset();
            var infoboxAnchor = infobox.getAnchor();
            var infoboxLocation = map.tryLocationToPixel(, Microsoft.Maps.PixelReference.control);
            var dx = infoboxLocation.x + infoboxOffset.x - infoboxAnchor.x;
            var dy = infoboxLocation.y - 25 - infoboxAnchor.y;
            if (dy < buffer) { //Infobox overlaps with top of map.
                //#### Offset in opposite direction.
                dy *= -1;
                //#### add buffer from the top edge of the map.
                dy += buffer;
            } else {
                //#### If dy is greater than zero than it does not overlap.
                dy = 0;
            if (dx < buffer) { //Check to see if overlapping with left side of map.
                //#### Offset in opposite direction.
                dx *= -1;
                //#### add a buffer from the left edge of the map.
                dx += buffer;
            } else { //Check to see if overlapping with right side of map.
                dx = map.getWidth() - infoboxLocation.x + infoboxAnchor.x - infobox.getWidth();
                //#### If dx is greater than zero then it does not overlap.
                if (dx > buffer) {
                    dx = 0;
                } else {
                    //#### add a buffer from the right edge of the map.
                    dx -= buffer;
            //#### Adjust the map so infobox is in view
            if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) {
                    centerOffset: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(dx, dy),
                    center: map.getCenter()
    function DrawPins() {
        var pin0 = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(new Microsoft.Maps.Location(53.1913, -2.51945));
        pin0.Title = "** CYCLONE CYCLES A/C CLOSED";
        pin0.Description = "74 WEAVER STREET<br />WINSFORD<br />CHESHIRE<br />CW7 4AA<br /><br /><b>Tel:</b> +44606861992";
        Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pin0, 'click', displayInfobox);
        var pin1 = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(new Microsoft.Maps.Location(53.7485, -0.348162));
        pin1.Title = "**2 WHEELS CYCLES LIMITED - HULL";
        pin1.Description = "8 SPRING STREET<br />HULL<br />HU2 8RB<br /><br /><b>Tel:</b> +44482216170<br /><b>Fax:</b> +44828515<br /><b>Web:</b> <a href='' targer='_blank'></a>";
        Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pin1, 'click', displayInfobox);
    function zoomMap(PinID, Lat, Long) {
        var ZoomLocation = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(Lat, Long);
            zoom: 13,
            center: ZoomLocation
        //#### These are the lines that dont work, selectedPin remains undefined
        //var selectedPin = dataLayer.entities.get(PinID);
        //Microsoft.Maps.Events.invoke(selectedPin, 'click', '');
  • HeavenCore
    HeavenCore over 11 years
    Sorry for the late accept, i must have got distracted back in November! Your approach works great (making use of the .id attribute) & is live on the link in my question – thanks for the tip!
  • parsh
    parsh almost 11 years
    Usage of "this" in displayInfoBox() made the difference.