Brightness control problem on acer aspire V5


If your Acer Aspire V5 uses intel_backlight device instead of acpi_video0, then this set of scripts might provide a solution to you. See if you have intel_backlight device by examining the output of "ls -l /sys/class/backlight". To determine if your notebook responds to brightness commands on the intel_backlight device, start a root shell by executing "sudo -i" and then do this in the root shell:

  1. Determine your maximum brightness:

    cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/max_brightness

  2. Decrease brightness to a desired value, for example to half of the maximum brightness value (substitute 500 with your value):

    echo 500 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness

  3. If your brightness has decreased, then use the above set of scripts to fix the problem with your brightness control hotkeys.

Finally, see how many steps you have for brightness control. If you completely decrease or increase brightness in about 5 key presses, then you should make one additional correction to your configs so that you have 10 steps to regulate brightness, as originally designed.

In your root shell, execute:

cat /sys/module/video/parameters/brightness_switch_enabled

If you see 'Y' or '1', run the following command:

echo 'N' > /sys/module/video/parameters/brightness_switch_enabled

Replace 'N' with '0' if you received '1' as an output from the previous command. After that, you should have 10 steps for brightness control instead of 5.


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Yom T.
Author by

Yom T.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Yom T.
    Yom T. over 1 year

    I have a controller class inheriting a base class that handles/overrides a virtual method (say JsonResult), and in this controller I need to prevent a specific JsonResult method (and only this one) from being overriden by this base class. Creating an action filter attribute for the rest of the controller methods would be the last thing I wanna do. How would you do this?

    public class ControllerBase : Controller 
        protected override JsonResult Json(...) { 
            //do something here
    public class HomeController : ControllerBase 
        public JsonResult UpdateData(...) { 
            return base.Json(...); // I need to prevent this method from being overriden
        public JsonResult UpdateResult(...) { 
            return this.Json(...); // this (and the other ones) can use the base method.
    • Dmitrii Dovgopolyi
      Dmitrii Dovgopolyi over 8 years
      Please show us some code and explain what do you mean by prevent a specific method from being overriden by this base class
    • Thomas Levesque
      Thomas Levesque over 8 years
      "overridden by the base class" ? A derived class can override a method of the base class, not the other way round... Please clarify (and show some code).
    • Yom T.
      Yom T. over 8 years
      Well, is the downvote really necessary ? But anyway, question updated.
  • user184683
    user184683 over 10 years
    Thank you for your reply. I ran the command you mentioned as a root. The acceptable values of brightness seem to be 0 to 9. Command runs but it does not have any effect on the brightness. Any further help will be very useful. Thank you.
  • Yom T.
    Yom T. over 8 years
    I don't have write-permission to the base class file, so I wonder if there's any kind of attribute/action filter that allows you to do just this?
  • user449689
    user449689 over 8 years
    Ok I understand you problem, please read the other reply that I just added