C# equivalent of C++ map<string,double>


Solution 1


var accounts = new Dictionary<string, double>();

// Initialise to zero...

accounts["Fred"] = 0;
accounts["George"] = 0;
accounts["Fred"] = 0;

// Add cash.
accounts["Fred"] += 4.56;
accounts["George"] += 1.00;
accounts["Fred"] += 1.00;

Console.WriteLine("Fred owes me ${0}", accounts["Fred"]);

Solution 2

Dictionary<string, double> accounts;

Solution 3

Although System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary matches the tag "hashmap" and will work well in your example, it is not an exact equivalent of C++'s std::map - std::map is an ordered collection.

If ordering is important you should use SortedDictionary.

Solution 4

You want the Dictionary class.

Solution 5

Dictionary is the most common, but you can use other types of collections, e.g. System.Collections.Generic.SynchronizedKeyedCollection, System.Collections.Hashtable, or any KeyValuePair collection


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Adam Pierce
Author by

Adam Pierce

I'm a programmer, why else would I be here ? I do C++ mostly under Windows and Linux. I'm also not half bad at electronics design, microcontrollers and programmable logic devices such a FPGAs. I am available for freelance work from time to time, contact me via my blog at siliconsparrow.com.

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Adam Pierce
    Adam Pierce about 2 years

    I want to keep some totals for different accounts. In C++ I'd use STL like this:

    map<string,double> accounts;
    // Add some amounts to some accounts.
    accounts["Fred"] += 4.56;
    accounts["George"] += 1.00;
    accounts["Fred"] += 1.00;
    cout << "Fred owes me $" << accounts['Fred'] << endl;

    Now, how would I do the same thing in C# ?

  • Adam Pierce
    Adam Pierce over 14 years
    This is very close to what I need, the only drawback is I do not know what the names of the accounts will be ahead of time.
    XXXXX over 14 years
    You don't need to know them ahead of time. The examples use constant strings for brevity, but you can use string objects.
  • Adam Pierce
    Adam Pierce over 14 years
    Perhaps I should clarify that comment by saying "I do not know the names, or how many names I will have". In this answer, if I added accounts["Ron"] += 2.50;, it would throw an exception. In reality, I'll be throwing an XML file at it with lots of names and numbers.
  • Adam Pierce
    Adam Pierce over 14 years
    Well, I've already done it with Dictionary now but the XML is real simple, just a list of tags like this: <transaction name="Fred" amount="5.20" />
  • Alastair Pitts
    Alastair Pitts over 14 years
    Actually no, if you use the index and attempt to set a non-existent key, it will actually create the object for you with the specified key. An exception will only be thrown on the get operation. Look here on remarks: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9tee9ht2.aspx
    XXXXX over 14 years
    Erebus is correct: You can arbitrarily add things to a Dictionary without knowing at compile time what or how many elements will be in the dictionary.
  • Alex
    Alex about 11 years
    Why people so much like var?
  • DarkWanderer
    DarkWanderer over 10 years
    @Alex: because var is much shorter than IParallelEnumerable<Record<string,XmlSerializer>> :)
  • Kevin Depue
    Kevin Depue about 10 years
    Dictionaries in c# are not equivalent to stl::map's just so you know - c# dictionaries are hash tables whereas stl::map's are red-black trees, the underlying algorithms are totally different.
  • Marcus Mangelsdorf
    Marcus Mangelsdorf over 8 years
    Note, that the accounts["Fred"] = 0;in this example is equivalent to accounts.Add("Fred", 0); (See dotnetfiddle.net/q3UteL for both variants) Also: *When you use Dictionary.Add( Key, Value ) to add a new KeyValuePair an ArgumentException will be thrown if the Key already exists in the dictionary. *Using the indexer (Dictionary[ Key ]) you get an implicit add-or-update behavior since the Key will automatically be added if it is not contained in the Dictionary already otherwise the corresponding value will simply be updated. *Consider using decimal for currency