C# WPF Move the window


Solution 1

Found a example: http://cloudstore.blogspot.com.br/2008/06/moving-wpf-window-with-windowstyle-of.html

Anyway, to move a Window in WinForms I used in a project the following code, can be useful if you are having problems:

private bool clicado = false;
private Point lm = new Point();
void PnMouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    clicado = true;
    this.lm = MousePosition;

void PnMouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    clicado = false;

void PnMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        this.Left += (MousePosition.X - this.lm.X);
        this.Top += (MousePosition.Y - this.lm.Y);
        this.lm = MousePosition;

Solution 2

I used the event MouseDown:

<Window .....
     MouseDown="Window_MouseDown"  >

with this code:

  private void Window_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
     if(e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Left)

Solution 3

@Marcio there is no Windows.Forms in WPF.

I got this version to work (steady) with WPF,

private bool clicked = false;
private Point lmAbs = new Point();
void PnMouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
  clicked = true;
  this.lmAbs = e.GetPosition(this);
  this.lmAbs.Y = Convert.ToInt16(this.Top) + this.lmAbs.Y;
  this.lmAbs.X = Convert.ToInt16(this.Left) + this.lmAbs.X;

void PnMouseUp(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
  clicked = false;

void PnMouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
  if (clicked)
    Point MousePosition = e.GetPosition(this);
    Point MousePositionAbs = new Point();
    MousePositionAbs.X = Convert.ToInt16(this.Left) + MousePosition.X;
    MousePositionAbs.Y = Convert.ToInt16(this.Top) + MousePosition.Y;
    this.Left = this.Left + (MousePositionAbs.X - this.lmAbs.X);
    this.Top = this.Top + (MousePositionAbs.Y - this.lmAbs.Y);
    this.lmAbs = MousePositionAbs;

Kind regards,


Solution 4

I've tried another solution and worked (not sure if it is the most correct though)

private void GridOfWindow_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        var move = sender as System.Windows.Controls.Grid;
        var win = Window.GetWindow(move);

where GridOfWindow is the name of the Grid

<Grid x:Name="GridOfWindow" MouseLeftButtonDown="GridOfWindow_MouseLeftButtonDown">

Solution 5

good code to the answer, but buggy. it will get your moving out of control.

try my modify:

private bool clicado = false;
private Point lm = new Point();
void PnMouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
    clicado = true;
    this.lm = System.Windows.Forms.Control.MousePosition;
    this.lm.X = Convert.ToInt16(this.Left) - this.lm.X;
    this.lm.Y = Convert.ToInt16(this.Top) - this.lm.Y;

void PnMouseUp(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
    clicado = false;

void PnMouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
    if (clicado)
        this.Left = (System.Windows.Forms.Control.MousePosition.X + this.lm.X);
        this.Top = (System.Windows.Forms.Control.MousePosition.Y + this.lm.Y);

it will get your moving stick to your cursor.(///▽///)

Author by


Updated on September 23, 2020


  • user2194683
    user2194683 over 3 years

    I have added the following parameters to my Window:

    ResizeMode="NoResize" Background="Transparent" 

    And now I can't move the Window, so I have added the following part of code to my Window:

    #region Window: Moving
    private void OnMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

    Also I must specify that my XAML code in my Window is the following (the Window look like the Polygon):

    <Window Title="New Science"
        Height="588" Width="760" MinHeight="360" MinWidth="360"
        WindowStyle="None" WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen"
        ResizeMode="NoResize" Background="Transparent"
            <my:UniPolygon DefaultRadiusIn="10" DefaultRadiusOut="10" Fill="#FF92C2F2" Name="m_tPlgOuter" Offset="0" Points="         0;26;;         10;19;10;;         10;0;;         265;0;20;;         290;20;20;;          -60,1;20;3;;         -60,1;5;10;;         -40,1;5;10;;         -40,1;20;2.5;;          -35,1;20;2.5;;         -35,1;5;10;;         -15,1;5;10;;         -15,1;20;3;;          0,1;20;;         0,1;0,1;;         0;0,1;;       " Stretch="None" Stroke="#FF535353" StrokeThickness="0.1" />

    I would like to know what should I do to make the Window change it's position on mouse drag and what to add to resize the window with the condition that the controls and other things I will add will resize too(I have found this code to resize and I would like to know if is good here).

  • Dev Kevin
    Dev Kevin almost 5 years
    This works perfectly and without any bug/issue as the main answers.
  • CareTaker22
    CareTaker22 over 4 years
    This is the cleanest way.