Can't install "libdvdcss" with yum anymore after update on "Fedora 20 Heisenburg"


I answered my own question with:

Update was successfull after that but now I can't install libdvdcss back, because it's not in the repositories.

What has happened?

Follow the directions on this site for installing audio, video and dvd support on your Fedora.

Exerpt from for installing libdvdcss on Fedora:

DVD Playback - The libdvdcss is required for DVD playback. Due to non-technical reasons, the package does not exist in the RPMFusion repository. For only this package an alternate repository will be used.

Please use the ATrpms Repository:

[mirandam@charon Download]$ wget
[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo cp ./atrpms.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/atrpms.repo
[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo rpm --import

To install the package:

[mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo yum --enablerepo=atrpms install libdvdcss

NOTE ATrpms may conflict with RPMFusion hence it is kept disabled. Previously the Livna Repository was used for this however Livna has been unreliable.


I've been downloading this package from rpmfind since this stopped working, hope it can assist anyone in the future.(and also this one: libdvdread)


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • somethingSomething
    somethingSomething almost 2 years

    I couldn't update my system today, because of dependency problems with libdvdcss, I removed libdvdcss and it's dependency libdvdcss2. Update was successfull after that but now I can't install libdvdcss back, because it's not in the repositories.

    Dependencies Resolved
     Package             Arch            Version                Repository        Size
     libdvdcss2          x86_64          1.2.13-7.fc20          @atrpms           34 k
    Removing for dependencies:
     libdvdcss           x86_64          1.2.13-7.fc20          @atrpms           98 k
    Transaction Summary
    Remove  1 Package (+1 Dependent package)


    ~]$ sudo yum install libdvdcss
    No package libdvdcss available.
    Error: Nothing to do


    ~]$ sudo yum repolist
    [sudo] password for user: 
    Loaded plugins: auto-update-debuginfo, fastestmirror, langpacks, refresh-
                  : packagekit, versionlock
    Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
     * fedora:
     * fedora-debuginfo:
     * rpmfusion-free:
     * rpmfusion-free-debuginfo:
     * rpmfusion-free-updates:
     * rpmfusion-free-updates-debuginfo:
     * rpmfusion-nonfree:
     * rpmfusion-nonfree-debuginfo:
     * rpmfusion-nonfree-updates:
     * rpmfusion-nonfree-updates-debuginfo:
     * updates:
     * updates-debuginfo:
    repo id                                       repo name                      status
    adobe-linux-i386                              Adobe Systems Incorporated          2
    adobe-linux-x86_64                            Adobe Systems Incorporated          2
    fedora/20/x86_64                              Fedora 20 - x86_64             38,597
    fedora-debuginfo/20/x86_64                    Fedora 20 - x86_64 - Debug      6,881
    home_tpokorra_mono                            mono and monodevelop (Fedora_2     89
    mysql-connectors-community/20/x86_64          MySQL Connectors Community         13
    mysql-tools-community/20/x86_64               MySQL Tools Community              10
    mysql56-community/20/x86_64                   MySQL 5.6 Community Server         73
    rpmfusion-free/20/x86_64                      RPM Fusion for Fedora 20 - Fre    468
    rpmfusion-free-debuginfo/20/x86_64            RPM Fusion for Fedora 20 - Fre    166
    rpmfusion-free-updates/20/x86_64              RPM Fusion for Fedora 20 - Fre    402
    rpmfusion-free-updates-debuginfo/20/x86_64    RPM Fusion for Fedora 20 - Fre    132
    rpmfusion-nonfree/20/x86_64                   RPM Fusion for Fedora 20 - Non    203
    rpmfusion-nonfree-debuginfo/20/x86_64         RPM Fusion for Fedora 20 - Non     60
    rpmfusion-nonfree-updates/20/x86_64           RPM Fusion for Fedora 20 - Non    288
    rpmfusion-nonfree-updates-debuginfo/20/x86_64 RPM Fusion for Fedora 20 - Non    113
    tor/x86_64                                    Tor experimental repo               2
    tor-source                                    Tor experimental source repo        0
    updates/20/x86_64                             Fedora 20 - x86_64 - Updates   18,678
    updates-debuginfo/20/x86_64                   Fedora 20 - x86_64 - Updates -  2,405
    virtualbox/20/x86_64                          Fedora 20 - x86_64 - VirtualBo      9

    From link:

    libdvdcss is a simple library designed for accessing DVDs as a block device without having to bother about the decryption.

    What has happened?

    Do I lose the ability to play dvd's for some time or have they changed something so it comes from somewhere else?

    EDIT: It seems that I originally installed it with yum from the atrpms repository following this guide. I thought it should have been standard for rpmfusion but it didn't come from there.

    • Alen Milakovic
      Alen Milakovic almost 10 years
      yum search libdvdcss? You can install libdvdcss from source if you have to. But there should be third party packages available for fedora if they are not available in the official repositories.
    • somethingSomething
      somethingSomething almost 10 years
      @FaheemMitha My understanding is that it came with/from rpmfusion. I installed it with yum a while back.
    • Alen Milakovic
      Alen Milakovic almost 10 years
      Well, do a search online. If necessary, you could build your own rpm using older rpm packaging. See the source tarballs at
    • garethTheRed
      garethTheRed almost 10 years
      It's available from
  • somethingSomething
    somethingSomething over 9 years
    This is not working anymore, don't know if it will again.