Can't play DVDs through either VLC, Videos, or Kaffeine


When it comes to playing DVDs in Ubuntu, the libdvd applications needed to play DVDs are not installed by default. To install them run the following:

From a terminal window:

First, enable the Universe/Multiverse repositories:

sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo add-apt-repository multiverse
sudo apt update

Then install the missing applications:

sudo apt install libdvdcss2 libdvdread4 libdvdnav4 ubuntu-restricted-extras

You may have to install the libdvd-pkg instead:

sudo apt install libdvd-pkg

Hope this helps!


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Cruiser13
    Cruiser13 over 1 year

    Running this through an external DVD drive. Videos app says DVD source is required to play the file, but is not installed. Hitting play in VLC activates the disc (you can hear it start up in the drive) but nothing happens. I've installed Ubuntu Restricted Extras and libdvdread4 and libdvdcss.

    I know varieties of this question have been asked before, but none of the answers I've tracked down are solving the issue.

    • user227495
      user227495 about 6 years
      I hope you have the drivers installed properly
    • Cruiser13
      Cruiser13 about 6 years
      Well, gee, I do too, but do you have any actual suggestions?
    • Terrance
      Terrance about 6 years
      Have you installed libdvdnav4 as well? Also, what version of Ubuntu are you using?
    • Cruiser13
      Cruiser13 about 6 years
      Yes, libdvdnav4 did it. Thanks!
    • Terrance
      Terrance about 6 years
      I'll write that up as a quick answer.
  • cipricus
    cipricus about 5 years
    ubuntu-restricted-extras was necessary in my case
  • Lexible
    Lexible about 5 years
    This did not permit me to watch a DVD on VLC 3.0.4 in Ubuntu 18.10.
  • Terrance
    Terrance about 5 years
    @Lexible I believe that for 18.10 it is just the package of libdvd-pkg to be installed for DVDs.
  • Lexible
    Lexible about 5 years
    @Terrance Nope.
  • Terrance
    Terrance about 5 years
    @Lexible Hmm, don't know what else to tell you. I just did a clean install of 18.10 here and installed the libdvd-pkg and everything worked fine. I was able to play DVDs in VLC 3.0.4.