Can I automatically add a new host to known_hosts?


Solution 1

Set the StrictHostKeyChecking option to no, either in the config file or via -o :

ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected]

Solution 2

IMO, the best way to do this is the following:

ssh-keygen -R [hostname]
ssh-keygen -R [ip_address]
ssh-keygen -R [hostname],[ip_address]
ssh-keyscan -H [hostname],[ip_address] >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-keyscan -H [ip_address] >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-keyscan -H [hostname] >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

That will make sure there are no duplicate entries, that you are covered for both the hostname and IP address, and will also hash the output, an extra security measure.

Solution 3

For the lazy ones:

ssh-keyscan -H <host> >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

-H hashes the hostname / IP address

Solution 4

As mentioned, using key-scan would be the right & unobtrusive way to do it.

ssh-keyscan -t rsa,dsa HOST 2>&1 | sort -u - ~/.ssh/known_hosts > ~/.ssh/tmp_hosts
mv ~/.ssh/tmp_hosts ~/.ssh/known_hosts

The above will do the trick to add a host, ONLY if it has not yet been added. It is also not concurrency safe; you must not execute the snippet on the same origin machine more than once at the same time, as the tmp_hosts file can get clobbered, ultimately leading to the known_hosts file becoming bloated...

Solution 5

You could use ssh-keyscan command to grab the public key and append that to your known_hosts file.


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Updated on September 17, 2022


  • gareth_bowles
    gareth_bowles almost 2 years

    Here's my situation: I'm setting up a test harness that will, from a central client, launch a number of virtual machine instances and then execute commands on them via ssh. The virtual machines will have previously unused hostnames and IP addresses, so they won't be in the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file on the central client.

    The problem I'm having is that the first ssh command run against a new virtual instance always comes up with an interactive prompt:

    The authenticity of host '[hostname] ([IP address])' can't be established.
    RSA key fingerprint is [key fingerprint].
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

    Is there a way that I can bypass this and get the new host to be already known to the client machine, maybe by using a public key that's already baked into the virtual machine image ? I'd really like to avoid having to use Expect or whatever to answer the interactive prompt if I can.

    • Admin
      Admin over 6 years
      For a test environment which is self-contained and physically secure, automated key acceptance may work just fine. But automatically accepting public keys in a production environment or across an untrusted network (such as the Internet) completely bypasses any protection against man-in-the-middle attacks that SSH would otherwise afford. The only valid way to make sure you're secure against MITM attacks is to verify the host's public key through some out-of-band trusted channel. There is no secure way to automate it without setting up a moderately complicated key signing infrastructure.
  • Robert
    Robert about 11 years
    Why do you need all 3 ssh-keyscan's? Can't you get by with just the first one since it works for both hostname and ip?
  • JasperWallace
    JasperWallace almost 11 years
    This leaves you open to man in the middle attacks, probably not a good idea.
  • JasperWallace
    JasperWallace almost 11 years
    Can you be sure that the machine replying to the ssh-keyscan request is really the one you want to talk to? If not you've opened yourself to a man in the middle attack.
  • Admin
    Admin about 10 years
    @JasperWallace Yes, for that you need at least the fingerprint or even better the public key, in which case you can add it directly to known_hosts, turning this question moot. If you only have the fingerprint, you will have to write an extra step which verifies the downloaded public key with your fingerprint...
  • utapyngo
    utapyngo about 10 years
    Is there a way to check whether the key is in known_hosts before ssh-keyscan? The reason is that it requires some time and additional network connection.
  • phasetwenty
    phasetwenty almost 10 years
    Calls to ssh-keyscan were failing for me because my target host doesn't support the default version 1 key type. Adding -t rsa,dsa to the command fixed this.
  • Massimo
    Massimo over 9 years
    @JasperWallace, while this is usually good advice, the specific use case (deploying test VMs and sending commands to them) should be safe enough.
  • Peter V. Mørch
    Peter V. Mørch about 9 years
    This gives a Warning: Permanently added 'hostname,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. To avoid the warning, and to avoid the entry being added to any known_hosts file, I do: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=ERROR -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null [email protected]
  • DanielM
    DanielM almost 9 years
    Note that this must make the connection, so if you need to connect to a port, use -p [port], and if you're automating the process and need to immediate disconnect, send any command you're allowed to execute on the target machine. eg ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected] -p 2020 'echo hello'
  • paulmelnikow
    paulmelnikow almost 9 years
    The original poster's version of this file had cat ~/.ssh/tmp_hosts > ~/.ssh/known_hosts, but a subsequent edit changed it to >>. Using >> is an error. It defeats the purpose of the uniqueness in the first line, and causes it to dump new entries into known_hosts every time it runs. (Just posted an edit to change it back.)
  • Sarah Messer
    Sarah Messer almost 9 years
    "ssh-keyscan -H <host> >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts" produces an entry more like what ssh does with user interaction. (The -H hashes the name of the remote host.)
  • retrohacker
    retrohacker over 8 years
    This is probably a bad idea. You are opening yourself to a man-in-the-middle attack by updating these keys. To avoid duplicate entries, check the return status of ssh-keygen -F [address] instead.…
  • marcv81
    marcv81 over 8 years
    Downvoting as this does not answer the question and opens to serious security vulnerabilities.
  • Mnebuerquo
    Mnebuerquo about 8 years
    I also downvoted this. I want to securely connect, not defeat my own ssh.
  • Mnebuerquo
    Mnebuerquo about 8 years
    This is only slightly better than the accepted answer. If someone does a MITM attack on you when you do this, then you store their fake keys, and you permanently accept their MITM attack.
  • Mnebuerquo
    Mnebuerquo about 8 years
    This is subject to the same MITM attacks as the others.
  • Mnebuerquo
    Mnebuerquo about 8 years
    Vulnerable to MITM attacks. You're not checking the key fingerprint.
  • Mnebuerquo
    Mnebuerquo about 8 years
    Make sure you check the fingerprint to ensure it is the correct key. Otherwise you open yourself up to MITM attacks.
  • Mnebuerquo
    Mnebuerquo about 8 years
    Are you uploading a known valid known_hosts file, or are you doing ssh-keyscan and dumping the output into known_hosts without verifying fingerprints?
  • Mnebuerquo
    Mnebuerquo about 8 years
    Vulnerable to MITM attacks. You're not checking the fingerprint.
  • Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
    Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams about 8 years
    @Mnebuerquo: If you were worried about security then you wouldn't have anything at all to do with this question. You'd have the correct host key in front of you, gathered from the console of the system you wanted to connect to, and you would manually verify it upon first connecting. You certainly wouldn't do anything "automatically".
  • Zart
    Zart about 8 years
    This is simply dumps output of a keyscan, yes. So in effect it's the same as StrictHostKeyChecking=no, just with silent known_hosts updating without fiddling with ssh options. This solution also doesn't work well due to ssh-keyscan returning multiple lines which causes this task always be flagged as 'changed'
  • Jim
    Jim over 7 years
    @Mnebuerquo You say what to do but not how, which would be helpful.
  • deepelement
    deepelement about 7 years
    @IgnacioVazquez-Abrams, just add a disclaimer about the security. This answer is perfectly acceptable with knowledge of impact to security. Many environments, like behind corp firewalls, make the security issue not as dramatic.
  • SineSwiper
    SineSwiper about 7 years
    Nobody checks the fingerprint.
  • panticz
    panticz almost 7 years
    Make shure you use the right hostname else the key will not by valid
  • Brian Cline
    Brian Cline almost 7 years
    @Mnebuerquo Fair point in the general context, but why would someone be trying to programmatically gather keys if they already knew what the correct key was?
  • blafasel
    blafasel over 6 years
    Deactivating security features to supress 'irritating' warnings is a very bad practise!
  • Rogers Sampaio
    Rogers Sampaio over 6 years
    This is the right answer if you want to update a host.
  • craftomega
    craftomega over 6 years
    This is not the way to do it. MITM.
  • craftomega
    craftomega over 6 years
    This is not the way to do it. MITM.
  • craftomega
    craftomega over 6 years
    This is not the way to do it. MITM.
  • craftomega
    craftomega over 6 years
    This is not the way to do it. MITM.
  • craftomega
    craftomega over 6 years
    This is not the way to do it. MITM.
  • craftomega
    craftomega over 6 years
    This is not the way to do it. MITM.
  • craftomega
    craftomega over 6 years
    This is not the way to do it. MITM.
  • craftomega
    craftomega over 6 years
    This is not the way to do it. MITM.
  • Zart
    Zart over 6 years
    If you care that much about MITM, deploy DNSSEC and SSHFP records or use some other secure means of distributing the keys and this kludge solution will be irrelevant.
  • fivef
    fivef over 6 years
    @jameshfisher Yes its vulnerable to MITM attacks, but have you ever compared the RSA fingerprint, which was shown to you with the actual one of the server, when you were doing this manually? No? So this answer is the way to do it for you. If yes, you shouldn't use this answer and do it manually or implement other security measures...
  • Syed Waqas
    Syed Waqas over 6 years
    @Mnebuerquo I would be really glad if you also let us know a better way to handle this, when we need to clone a repo using batch scripts un-attended and we want to by-pass this prompt. Please shed some light on a real solution if you think this is not the right one!
  • Syed Waqas
    Syed Waqas over 6 years
    @jameshfisher I would be really glad if you also let us know a better way to handle this, when we need to clone a repo using batch scripts un-attended and we want to by-pass this prompt. Please shed some light on a real solution if you think this is not the right one! Please let us know "how" to do it, if you think this is not the right way to do it!
  • Syed Waqas
    Syed Waqas over 6 years
    @Mnebuerquo Thanks for the link, it's such a coincidence that today I used this same approach and to me too this seems like the best one. Thanks anyways!
  • Syed Waqas
    Syed Waqas over 6 years
    I think this is the best solution to this problem. However, be very careful while using Nmap on something like Amazon EC2, I got a warning about the port scanning that Nmap does! Fill in their form before doing portscanning!
  • BradChesney79
    BradChesney79 over 6 years
    ...well, yeah. I don't know why you would do the port scanning from EC2. If you are logged in to your account, you can just get the keys from the actual machines. This is more for machines you don't have control over. I would assume you would have a local machine not subject to AWS port scanning restrictions to use. But, if you are in that edge case situation where you must run nmap with AWS, I suppose this warning would be helpful.
  • Micah R Ledbetter
    Micah R Ledbetter over 6 years
    Using nmap to read the SSH host key from your workstation and then trusting that value is no different than connecting via SSH with StructHostKeyChecking turned off. Its just as vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack.
  • BradChesney79
    BradChesney79 over 6 years
    ...@MicahRLedbetter which is why I suggested that "more comparisons from different computers & networks will usually increase your ability to trust the connection". But, that is my point. If you only ever check your target host from one set of environment conditions then how would you ever know of any discrepancies? Did you have any better suggestions?
  • Eil
    Eil over 6 years
    The answer by BradChesney79 is not in any sense a better way to do it. Literally all he is doing there is using nmap to get the SSH host key fingerprint and then comparing it to what ssh-keyscan says the fingerprint is. In both cases, the fingerprint comes from the same place. It's just as vulnerable to MITM as any other of these automated solutions. The only secure and valid way to verify an SSH public key is over some trusted out-of-band channel. (Or set up some kind of key-signing infrastructure.)
  • Limbo Peng
    Limbo Peng about 6 years
    This answer should mention the risk of MiTM.
  • BradChesney79
    BradChesney79 about 6 years
    @vastlysuperiorman, from the same computer on the same network or even a different computer on the same network-- yes, it would be a waste of time. Different machine on a completely separate network-- no. If you achieve the same results from asking via different paths with isolated risks of a compromised request and tainted connection, you can increase the confidence your connection to the remote resource has not been unusually tampered with. In most cases, overkill. Just depends on the minimum security requirements.
  • Cameron Lowell Palmer
    Cameron Lowell Palmer over 5 years
    It is a perfectly valid method of adding values to known_hosts, but yes it is susceptible to MITM. However, for internal use it is fine.
  • DylanYoung
    DylanYoung over 5 years
    Key signing infrastructure +1 For out-of-band now-a-days, it often suffices to grab the fingerprint from your cloud dashboard (where you create your instances), which almost always have a direct console into the instance. Add these to your list of trusted fingerprints. Then simply compare with the ssh-keyscan result. If you have physical access to the machine, even better!
  • DylanYoung
    DylanYoung over 5 years
    @WaqasShah Just validate against your repos' possible fingerprints. For github they can be found here: Now why is 'here' any more secure? Why PKI of course :)
  • Martin Bramwell
    Martin Bramwell over 5 years
    I like this answer best. For scripting initial setup of a random VPS of no importance to anyone but me, MITM risk is vanishingly small. Infinitesimal quibble ... first line needs to be mkdir -p ~/.ssh/known_hosts;
  • Gabriel Staples
    Gabriel Staples about 5 years
    Useful source:…; they recommend ssh-keyscan -H >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts, as does @SarahMesser
  • Michael
    Michael about 5 years
    although this answer is insecure it explicitly answers the question (which even includes the word "bypass") so it seems to me the most correct answer. If this was done in a secure testing network which seems to be the aim of the question this wouldn't be a problem. I've edited it to make the risks more clear. Hopefully that makes it okay.
  • Dominik
    Dominik almost 5 years
    If really needed, use StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new instead =no (see my answer). Otherwise @JasperWallace is right: you're always subject to a man-in-the-middle attack on each connection to the server.
  • inetknght
    inetknght over 3 years
    Your answer does not include a solution to the question: Can I automatically add a new host to known_hosts?
  • inetknght
    inetknght over 3 years
    Your answer does not include a solution to the question: Can I automatically add a new host to known_hosts?
  • sodimel
    sodimel over 3 years
    It includes a solution to the question The problem [...] is that the first ssh command run against a new virtual instance always comes up with an interactive prompt [...]. Is there a way that I can bypass this [...] ?. I found this question by typing interactive prompt fabric and thought that maybe other people will stumble across this for the same reasons.
  • Codebling
    Codebling over 3 years
    Aside from security concerns mentioned elsewhere, this will generate duplicates, as a new hash is generated every time
  • Rainb
    Rainb over 3 years
    This is the right way to do it, sometimes security just gets in the way, +1.
  • jehon
    jehon almost 3 years
    Since those are VM's, you could have a way to access the filesystem and get those keys...
  • cjs
    cjs almost 3 years
    @SyedWaqas As described in my answer, you avoid the risk of MITM on the SSH channel by getting the public key generated by the VM during installation through a different channel.
  • Rohit Agrawal
    Rohit Agrawal over 2 years
    Hi @inetknght, request you to please read the last line I have mentioned in my answer to this problem statement. I have addressed 2 issues here: 1. When the known_hosts file itself is missing from the system and the system is read-only. 2. automatically add a new host to known_hosts Please let me know in case you need more clarity here.
  • Neinstein
    Neinstein over 2 years
    Can HOSTS be a list of IP addresses, instead of only one?
  • Dr-Bracket
    Dr-Bracket over 2 years
    @jameshfisher Thanks for replying "MITM" to every answer on this thread. Do you have an actual solution? If not, please consider how your comments waste valuable screen space before hitting CTRL-V next time
  • craftomega
    craftomega over 2 years
    @Dr-Bracket the top comment says it best, "The only valid way to make sure you're secure against MITM attacks is to verify the host's public key through some out-of-band trusted channel". In OP's example, they're "launching a number of virtual machine instances from a central client", which must provide such a trusted channel.
  • Dennis Williamson
    Dennis Williamson over 2 years
    Use mktmp or tempfile or similar to avoid the issue with clobbering a hard-coded temporary file.
  • Admin
    Admin about 2 years
    if ! ssh-keygen -F > /dev/null; then ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts; fi