Can I change background and font color of address bar at Chrome?


Address bar at Chrome depends on system color theme. For switch to nice dark - Install Dorian theme.


Also you may want to go to the chrome://settings/ -> Use GTK+ theme


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Vitaly Zdanevich
Author by

Vitaly Zdanevich

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Vitaly Zdanevich
    Vitaly Zdanevich over 1 year

    I like dark themes for Chrome - but themes not affect at address bar. I also have dark theme at by Xubuntu.

    dark chromium at dark xubuntu linux, dark theme, dark gui

    • Sonickyle27
      Sonickyle27 over 9 years
      I think this is hard-coded into Chrome itself?
  • SkorpEN
    SkorpEN almost 8 years
    Can you describe in details how to make it work ??? On which system setting it works??? Thanks in advence.
  • Vitaly Zdanevich
    Vitaly Zdanevich almost 8 years
    System is Xubunty, just install theme.
  • SkorpEN
    SkorpEN almost 8 years
    Which version of Dorian-Theme. I assume that change took place in Settings -> Appereance -> Style, still no efect on my machine on 2 different Dorian-Theme.
  • Vitaly Zdanevich
    Vitaly Zdanevich almost 8 years
    @SkorpEN How do you install theme? By copying folder or by using PPA?
  • SkorpEN
    SkorpEN almost 8 years
    I copied folder. To me the tricky part was that after instalation I has to click in chrome://settings/ ->"Use GTK+ theme". That work for me. That part was missing in anwser.
  • Atcold
    Atcold about 7 years
    AMAZING! Thank you! (I'm using the Vivacious Colors GTK Theme).
  • lisimba.gilkes
    lisimba.gilkes over 5 years
    In Chrome 69 on Linux the theme color doesn't seem to affect the address bar color.
  • James S
    James S over 5 years
    @pts Noticed this too. Using Dorian-3.14-master and chrome version 69.0.3497.100
  • Vitaly Zdanevich
    Vitaly Zdanevich over 5 years
    Please vote for this issue…