Cannot backup databases from SQL Server 2008


Solution 1

Installed SP1. This fixed everything, it works 100% now.

Solution 2

Make sure Intergration Services are installed

Solution 3

First, this is really a standard SQL Server backup. TFS data is there, but that's not relevant.

Second, in SSMS, open your maintenance plan for editing. Make sure that you have logging enabled, and then run the plan. This will create text files in your /LOG folder under the SQL Server installation folder. Check that and it will have more details about what specifically is wrong. Post that and we can help you debug the issue.


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Have been programming for over 22 years (since I was at elementary school). Experienced in C/C++, C#, Python, SQL, etc on both Linux and Windows. Currently working in finance / financial services in the Front Office of one of the larger market makers in Europe. Experienced in full stack development involving WPF, MVVM, DI, OMS, EMS, FIX, FAST, WCF, Tibco, Bloomberg API, etc. Have built systems running at discretionary trading timescales right down to high frequency trading (HFT) timescales, working on everything from the DAL to the user interface. Passionate about great software architecture, writing bug free, maintainable and performant code, and designing great user interfaces.

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Contango
    Contango almost 2 years

    I'm trying to back up the SQL Server 2008 database on Windows Server 2008, using instructions from:

    Everything is pretty straightforward (just follow through the wizard to trigger a backup) however the SQL backup fails with the following error:

    --- start error ---

    Execute Maintenance Plan

    • Execute maintenance plan. TFS backup (Error) Messages Execution failed. See the maintenance plan and SQL Server Agent job history logs for details.


    Job 'TFS backup.Subplan_1' failed. (SqlManagerUI)

    --- end error ---

    Here is a copy'n'paste from the log (there were only 2 relevant entries):

    --- start log entry ---

    Date,Source,Severity,Log ID,Message,Process ID,Mail Item ID,Account ID,Last Modified,Last Modified By,Category,Event,User,Computer

    07/07/2009 12:21:22,Service Control Manager,Information,,The description for Event ID '1073748860' in Source 'Service Control Manager' cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display the message or you may not have permission to access them. The following information is part of the event:'Diagnostic System Host' 'running',,,,,,(0),1073748860,,WIN2008-TFS

    07/07/2009 12:20:42,SQLSERVERAGENT,Warning,,SQL Server Scheduled Job 'TFS backup.Subplan_1' (0x0140518D9AD209468CD45ECA97EC0B93) - Status: Failed - Invoked on: 2009-07-07 12:20:41 - Message: The job failed. The Job was invoked by User WIN2008-TFS\Administrator. The last step to run was step 1 (Subplan_1).,,,,,,Job Engine,1073742032,,WIN2008-TFS

    --- end log entry ---

    • Contango
      Contango almost 15 years
      UPDATE - 2009-07-08 - installed SP1 for SQL server 2008.
    • Contango
      Contango almost 15 years
      UPDATE - 2009-07-08 - moved VMware machine to different HD as I suspect the HD might have been going bad as it was exhibiting bad sectors.
    • Contango
      Contango almost 15 years
      UPDATE - 2009-07-08 - using Acronis, rolled server machine back 25 days to a known good copy on a known good HD.
    • Contango
      Contango almost 15 years
      UPDATE - 2009-07-08 - SP1 did the trick - everything works perfectly!
  • Contango
    Contango almost 15 years
    I'm backing up to a directory on C:.
  • Contango
    Contango almost 15 years
    I am actually trying to back up Windows Team Foundation Server, but though it was better to keep the question generic.
  • Contango
    Contango almost 15 years
    I turned on every single log, the only event that occurred was this: 07/07/2009 18:25:51,SQLSERVERAGENT,Warning,,SQL Server Scheduled Job 'TFS backup.Subplan_1' (0x0140518D9AD209468CD45ECA97EC0B93) - Status: Failed - Invoked on: 2009-07-07 18:25:51 - Message: The job failed. The Job was invoked by User WIN2008-TFS\Administrator. The last step to run was step 1 (Subplan_1).,,,,,,Job Engine,1073742032,,WIN2008-TFS