Cannot download & install app APK from own webpage


Solution 1

Why can't I simply upload an APK and have a URL point to it for a download?

You can. Plenty of people do it. There are entire Web sites dedicated to doing it, albeit usually with pirated content.

Why am I getting a 404

Because the URL you are entering into the browser is not the URL where the file is at on the server. This is the cause of approximately 100% of 404 errors, across the Internet, regardless of circumstance.

what can I do to avoid it?

Use the proper URL. Also, be sure to set the server's MIME type configuration map to serve up your file as application/

Solution 2

This is what i did in my application

My Application hosted under Window server 2008r2 having IIS 7

Step 1: In .aspx page add hyperlink set navigateurl as file path

 <asp:HyperLink ID="lnkdwnload" runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/Application_Android/MyAndroidAppAame.apk">Download MyApp</asp:HyperLink>

Step 2: Web.config add mimeMap element under staticContent

      <mimeMap fileExtension=".apk" mimeType="application/"/>


Solution 3

in case you are using .net core,
 public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
var provider = new FileExtensionContentTypeProvider();
            // Add new mappings`enter code here`
            provider.Mappings[".apk"] = "application/octet-stream";
            app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions()
                ContentTypeProvider = provider

Solution 4

Upload a web.config file in the directory where you keep the apk file

The content of the web.config should be :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mimeMap fileExtension=".apk" mimeType="application/" />

Now you can download the apk file..

Solution 5

Thanks it is working

This is what i did in my application

My Application hosted under Window server 2008r2 having IIS 7

Step 1: In .aspx page add hyperlink set navigateurl as file path

<asp:HyperLink ID="lnkdwnload" runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/Application_Android/MyAndroidAppAame.apk">Download MyApp</asp:HyperLink>

Step 2: Web.config add mimeMap element under staticContent on same path

      <mimeMap fileExtension=".apk" mimeType="application/"/>
Author by


Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Cody
    Cody almost 2 years

    I'm trying to have my apps available for download on a website, however, when I upload the APK file, it cannot be found by the browser.

    When zipping the APK, it is detected. However, not all phones can install from a ZIP - I have had mixed results.

    Why can't I simply upload an APK and have a URL point to it for a download? Why am I getting a 404 and what can I do to avoid it?

  • Cody
    Cody almost 12 years
    Using the exact same path, I don't get a 404 when the APK is zipped. How is that not the URL where the file is on the server? Just saw the last bit of your post, I haven't tried the MIME type config. I'll give that a shot.
  • CommonsWare
    CommonsWare almost 12 years
    Usually, a Web server will use some default MIME type for unrecognized files (e.g., application/octet-stream), but perhaps your host has an odd configuration. By way of example, if you download, it will install on your Android device. This is an APK file uploaded to Amazon S3, which automatically handles this particular MIME type.
  • amIT
    amIT over 9 years
    @CommonsWare I too am using amazon aws3 server to host my apk but i get "cant open file" error ,for AWS3 too does this MIME type has to be set manually ? how can i check/edit Mime type of a particular file uploaded in aws3 ?
  • CommonsWare
    CommonsWare over 9 years
    @amIT: ",for AWS3 too does this MIME type has to be set manually ?" -- probably, as the APK MIME type is a bit obscure. "how can i check/edit Mime type of a particular file uploaded in aws3 ?" -- I have no idea.
  • amIT
    amIT over 9 years
    @CommonsWare thanks ,can you please share the tool /procedure used by you to upload onAWS3 i use a plugin in firefox called "S3 organizer".
  • Satinder singh
    Satinder singh over 9 years
    Downvoted - reason the answer posted by you is word to word same of mine which i posted 2 years ago. Don't be a copypaster
  • equitharn
    equitharn over 8 years
    @CommonsWare even I'm facing the same problem, when i change the extension to .APK the file starts downloading but normal .apk results in 404 please help my question
  • d1jhoni1b
    d1jhoni1b about 6 years
    Thanks this what the reason, and i was actually using an IIS server