Cannot use a CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate on table or indexed view it is not full-text indexed


If you want to use CONTAINS the column needs to be full-text indexed.

If you don't, or can't, then you can search for data containing a . using LIKE

 where Location LIKE '%.%'
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A professional and enthusiastic Senior Front End Developer. Listed as top 2 users by reputation in Czech Republic on Stack Overflow. Latest open source projects Animatelo - Porting to JavaScript Web Animations API of Animate.css (430+ stars on GitHub) Industrial UI - Simple, modular UI Components for Shop Floor Applications Frontend Boilerplate - An opinionated boilerplate which helps you build fast, robust, and adaptable single-page application in React Keyframes Tool - Command line tool which convert CSS Animations to JavaScript objects gibbok.coding📧

Updated on August 21, 2022


  • GibboK
    GibboK almost 2 years

    I need to fetch all records which contain .

    At the moment I use this SQL:

      select * from dbo.mytable
        where CONTAINS(Location, '.')

    but I receive this error:

    Cannot use a CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate on table or indexed view it is not full-text indexed.

    I cannot set column full text indexed as I do not have high privilege.

    Any idea how to circumnavigate this problem?