Capistrano deploy:migrate and db:migrate run all migrations every time


Solution 1

OK, figured it out... though how anybody else in the stackosphere was supposed to do the same based on the red herrings in my original question is beyond me.

The problem was that my production database was set to


Because it was a sqlite database in the main project directory, it was getting axed every time I ran

cap deploy

Then, when I would run

cap deploy:migrate

It would find an empty database and think all migrations needed to be run. I solved this by changing the database path to


Thanks to @TheMahvin and anyone else who attempted to take on the hopeless task of answering my poorly worded question!

H/T to this question, which made the scales fall from my eyes:

Capistrano Deploy Wipes Database?

Solution 2

I haven't seen:

after "deploy:update_code", "deploy:migrate"

before. Try deleting that line and run:

 bundle exec cap deploy:migrations (deploys code and migrations)


 bundle exec cap deploy:migrate (runs the migrate rake task on the server)

instead. The rest of your deploy.rb seems OK to me, though I don't know anything about the rvm/capistrano integration or the windows adjustment.

Solution 3

How did you "add a few rows to a table in the db"?
I suspect your data loss results from mixing migrations and your own db changes. Rails expects you to do all the database changes via migrations.
There's some debate on migrations in general in the Rails community, but right now (especially if you're a beginner) always use migrations to change your database. That way you have a complete blueprint for your db allowing you to deploy on several machines from scratch without fiddling with your db and to make sure other contributors have the same db to work with.

I don't know a lot about these kinds of internals, but from what I understand your data loss resulted something like that:

After your manual changes Rails couldn't match the db-layout to the result of any migration (via the timestamps in your migrations and your schema respectively) thus treating the db as if it was new. To get to the state defined by all migrations, all of them needed to be executed, including the migrations that create tables, thus discarding everything in them.

I hope this helps,

Author by


Big game hunter, amateur detective and bon vivant, Sean Roberts might just be the answer to the question your have yet to ask. He is employed as a software developer, where toils night and day transmuting early 90's Hip Hop, chick-o-sticks and energy drinks into yeoman like mobile apps. In his leisure time he cultivates rare orchids and works on his memoir: "No Man Can Stop Me!". He is currently recording his debut hip hop album.

Updated on September 20, 2022


  • seanicus
    seanicus over 1 year

    So, I'm diddling around with rails (ruby 1.9.3p392, rails 3.2, sqlite3 db) and I'm trying to deploy the ubiquitous blog tutorial code to a "production" server (apache, passenger, ubuntu). My deploy.rb looks like this:

    require 'bundler/capistrano'
    require 'rvm/capistrano'
    load 'deploy/assets'
    set :rvm_ruby_string,  ENV['GEM_HOME'].gsub(/.*\//,"")
    set :rvm_type, :user
    set :user, 'blah'
    set :application, 'railsTest'
    set :domain, ''
    set :applicationdir, "/home/sean/public/"
    set :scm, 'git'
    set :repository,  "ssh://[email protected]/home/blah/public/"
    #set :git_enable_submodules, 1 # if you have vendored rails
    set :branch, 'master'
    set :git_shallow_clone, 1
    set :scm_verbose, true
    set :use_sudo, false
    # roles (servers)
    role :web, domain
    role :app, domain
    role :db,  domain, :primary => true
    # deploy config
    set :deploy_to, applicationdir
    set :deploy_via, :export
    set :migrate_target, :latest
    # additional settings
    default_run_options[:pty] = true  # Forgo errors when deploying from windows
    #ssh_options[:keys] = %w(/home/blah/.ssh/id_rsa)
    ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true
    # if you want to clean up old releases on each deploy uncomment this:
    # If you are using Passenger mod_rails uncomment this:
    namespace :deploy do
      task :start do ; end
      task :stop do ; end
      task :restart, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do
        run "#{try_sudo} touch #{File.join(current_path,'tmp','restart.txt')}"
    #after "deploy:update_code", "deploy:migrate"

    Now, I am sure that must look like a big hot mess to those who know what they are doing with capistrano, but I am an utter rube. In the end, despite my inadequacies, the deploy seems to work, because when I run the following

    cap deploy:setup
    cap deploy

    my app is up and running and, just because I can, I add a few rows to a table in the db via the web ui that was created for me by rails. Now, I get bold and create a migration, adding a column to a table. I push my changes to git. To my horror, when I run

    cap deploy

    ALL the migrations are run, which recreates the tables, thus destroying all my data. I have repeated this painful process several times. My schema_migrations table looks like this:


    What am I missing here?

    UPDATE: I recently gave @TheMahrvin's suggestion regarding running deploy:migrations at the command line and removing it from the deploy.rb. It didn't work... once again, all migrations were run. My muse must have whispered something in my ear, because I decided to try running db:migrate on the server itself. I was astonished to see this output after running just "rake":

      20130717230110 CreateHighScores
      20130717230342 CreateGames
      20130717231041 AddGameTypeToGame
      20130717233707 AddGamePublisherToGame
      20130717234124 AddGameRatingToGame
      20130731210558 AddGameMechanicToGame

    Only the last migrations should be pending. So, perhaps this isn't a problem with Capistrano at all (I've updated the title of this question to reflect that). So, why are the previous migrations still being flagged as pending? I know they were run in the past, both because I saw them in the output and verified the db schema after they ran.

    UPDATE #2: Setup another migration and ssh'd into the server and cd'd my way to the "current" directory, which if I understand capistrano at all (fat chance) is where the current files are. Running

    bundle exec rake db:migrate:status

    got me:

     Status   Migration ID    Migration Name
      down    20130717230110  Create high scores
      down    20130717230342  Create games
      down    20130717231041  Add game type to game
      down    20130717233707  Add game publisher to game
      down    20130717234124  Add game rating to game
      down    20130731210558  Add game mechanic to game
      down    20130731212454  Add publish year to game
      down    20130731214515  Add game rank to game
      down    20130731214928  Add game abbr to game
      down    20130731215749  Add crazy field to game

    I can't help feeling that there is something profoundly wrong with what I am trying to do.

  • seanicus
    seanicus almost 11 years
    Thanks for the response... I thought this question had been consigned to languish in the outer darkness for eternity. I add the rows to the table in the db by using the web apps interface... that is to say, deploy, go to the site and navigate to the view for "create" for the controller, fill out the html form and hit submit. Then, rinse and repeat a couple of more times.
  • Alex D
    Alex D almost 11 years
    No offense, but this doesn't really seem to make sense. Rails doesn't determine your migration level by comparing the DB schema to the result of migrations. It creates a table called schema_migrations, and stores the timestamp of every migration which has been run in it. When you run rake db:migrate, it compares the timestamps in schema_migrations with those of the migration files existing in db/migrate.
  • A5308Y
    A5308Y almost 11 years
    None taken. Actually I even think your comment fits with parts of my description. I was just being in the dark how the matching works in detail: The result of a migration is identifiable via a timestamp, as is the actual db-layout via the schema's timestamp. But yes, the discarding part does not really makes sense. I was just guessing. Should I delete the answer?