Centos 6.5 auditd fails to start with service or /etc/init.d/audit start


Solution 1

On EL (prior to 7) start services on an SELinux-enabled system with run_init to ensure that SELinux contexts and domain transitions are correct.

run_init service auditd start

Or just enable them to start at boot time, which is preferred.

Your log entries indicate that /var/log/audit has the wrong security context. To resolve this:

  1. Update your system. There are new SELinux policy packages which contain many fixes, as well as other updates you are behind on.
  2. Run restorecon -r -v /var/log/audit to fix the security contexts, or better, restorecon -r -v / to relabel the entire system (which fixes a lot of other potential issues as well).

Solution 2

  • invalid options in /etc/init.d/auditd.conf will cause it to fail
  • type ausearch -m DEAMON_END to get which line is in error

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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • l0s7r
    l0s7r almost 2 years

    I use Gorm raw SQL query, but Web dev pass it on to me multiple parameters. If the parameter is empty, the query will not be performed. At present, I use map to splice the where statement, but it does not seem to work in raw mode。

    where := make(map[string]interface{})
        if info.UserKey != "" {
            where["pay_merchant_order.merchant_fk"] = info.UserKey
        if info.NickName != "" {
            where["sys_users.nick_name"] = info.NickName
        if info.Type != 0 {
            where["pay_rate.id"] = info.Type
        if info.IsSign != -1 && info.IsSign != 0 {
            where["pay_order.pay_status"] = info.IsSign
        if info.PayOfficialOrder != "" {
            where["pay_order.pay_official_order"] = info.PayOfficialOrder
        if info.Amount != 0 {
            where["pay_order.pay_amount"] = info.Amount
        if info.MOrder != "" {
            where["pay_merchant_order.order"] = info.MOrder
        if info.SOrder != "" {
            where["pay_merchant_order.sys_order_fk"] = info.SOrder
        if info.Phone != "" {
            where["pay_channel_order.phone"] = info.Phone
        if info.Rate != 0 {
            where["pay_order.pay_rate"] = info.Rate
        db := global.GVA_DB.Debug()
        sql := "select pay_merchant_order.id,pay_merchant_order.order,pay_merchant_order.call_status,sys_users.username,pay_order.url,pay_merchant_order.merchant_fk,pay_order.token,pay_merchant_order.call_back,sys_users.nick_name,pay_order.pay_rate as rate,pay_order.pay_amount,pay_actualamount,pay_order.real_pay_amount,pay_order.pay_official_order,pay_order.pay_sys_order,pay_type.mode,pay_rate.name,pay_merchant_order.is_sign,pay_order.created_at,pay_order.pay_time,pay_order.overdue_time,pay_channel_order.phone from pay_merchant_order LEFT JOIN pay_order ON pay_order.pay_sys_order = pay_merchant_order.sys_order_fk LEFT JOIN sys_users ON sys_users.unique = pay_order.pay_merchant LEFT JOIN pay_channel ON pay_channel.id = pay_order.pay_channel_fk LEFT JOIN pay_rate ON pay_rate.id = pay_channel.rate_fk LEFT JOIN pay_payment_type ON pay_payment_type.id = pay_channel.channel_type_fk LEFT JOIN pay_type ON pay_type.id = pay_order.pay_type left join pay_channel_order on pay_channel_order.order_fk = pay_merchant_order.sys_order_fk"
        db.Raw(sql).Where(where).Group("pay_merchant_order.id").Order("pay_merchant_order.created_at desc").Scan(&payMerchantOrders)
        err = db.Count(&total).Error
        err = db.Limit(limit).Offset(offset).Error

    Please tell me how to splice the query conditions.

  • Michael Hampton
    Michael Hampton over 9 years
    @Jepper You've probably messed up some security contexts, as I mentioned before. First, update your system. Then fix the labels for everything: restorecon -r -v / Then reboot.
  • Jepper
    Jepper over 9 years
    Ok done that. It gets weirder. I've sudu -i then, - [root@system01 ~]# run_init service auditd start \n Authenticating myuser. \n Password:
  • Michael Hampton
    Michael Hampton over 9 years
    Well, you could always just authenticate.
  • Jepper
    Jepper over 9 years
    I'm root when I run run_init. Regardless, if I tap in my password for myuser, Starting auditd: [FAILED]
  • Urhixidur
    Urhixidur over 6 years
    That should be DAEMON_END, probably. Regardless, running /sbin/ausearch ... solved my problem without finding any auditd.conf issues: it reported right away that "audit.log is not writable by owner". Sure enough, auditd was refusing to start because /var/log/audit/audit.log was read-only.
  • l0s7r
    l0s7r over 3 years
    but,my paging total is invalid