Change DPI on HiDPI laptop with two external monitors


Try running the following command:

xrandr --output eDP1 --auto --output DP1 --auto --scale 2x2 --right-of eDP1 --output DP2 --auto --scale 2x2 --right-of DP1

This should make the HD monitors look smaller. You can also use this in conjunction with the following:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor 2

After running both of these commands, the Surface Pro 3 should look larger, but the external monitors should look the same size as they did before. Try adjusting the values to 1.5 if the Surface's display looks too 'big'.



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CJ Scholten
Author by

CJ Scholten

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • CJ Scholten
    CJ Scholten almost 2 years

    I have a Surface Pro 3 laptop (running Ubuntu Gnome) with two external monitors.
    The laptop's screen has a resolution of 2160x1440, and the two monitors are 1920x1080.
    The Surface Pro (eDP1) is on the left, and the two other monitors (DP1 & DP2) are on the right, with the central monitor being the primary monitor.

    This causes everything on the Surface Pro display to be extremely small, so I want to change the DPI of this display to make everything a bit bigger.

    However, I have no idea how to do that. I've tried using xrandr, but I can't get it to work.
    Can anyone help?

    Cheers, CJ

  • Trevor Rudolph
    Trevor Rudolph almost 8 years
    what do we do if we need it on the left side?