Change/update Firebase notification token or instance id forcefully via code?


Solution 1

Now i got my answer after facing many troubles for generating new or change token of firebase for push notification.

1) Delete old Firebase token

let instance = FIRInstanceID.instanceID()
_ = FIRInstanceID.delete(instance)
FIRInstanceID.instanceID().delete { (err:Error?) in
    if err != nil{
    } else {
        print("Token Deleted");

2) Request new Firebase token

if let token = FIRInstanceID.instanceID().token() {
    print("Token \(token) fetched");
} else {
    print("Unable to fetch token");

FIRMessaging.messaging().connect { (error) in
    if (error != nil) {
        print("Error connecting to FCM. \(error.debugDescription)")
    } else {
        print("Connected to FCM.")

UPDATE FOR SWIFT 4 & Firebase 4.8.2 (Follow simple two steps)πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

1) Delete old Token

let instance = InstanceID.instanceID()
instance.deleteID { (error) in

2) Request for new token

if let token = InstanceID.instanceID().token() {
    print("Token : \(token)");
} else {
    print(β€œError: unable to fetch token");

Messaging.messaging().shouldEstablishDirectChannel = true

You can get updated token in MessagingDelegate method didReceiveRegistrationToken and in Refresh Token.

func messaging(_ messaging: Messaging, didReceiveRegistrationToken fcmToken: String) {
    print("Firebase Token :  \(fcmToken)")

Solution 2


class func regenerateFCM(){
    Installations.installations().delete { (err) in
        if let err = err {
            Installations.installations().authTokenForcingRefresh(true) { (result,err) in
                if let result = result {
                    Messaging.messaging().deleteToken { (err) in
                        if let err = err {
                            print("FCM TOKEN DELETED")
                            Messaging.messaging().token { (token, err) in
                                if let token = token {
                                    print("NEW FCM TOKEN GENERATED")
                                if let err = err {
                                    print("ERROR WHILE GENERATING NEW FCM TOKEN")
                }else if let err = err {


Messaging.messaging().deleteToken { err in
        if let err = err {
            print("Error while generating new FCM Token")
            Messaging.messaging().token { token, err in
                 if let token = token {
                    print("NEW FCM TOKEN GENERATED")

Solution 3

for now InstanceID.instanceID().token() is deprecated.

You should use this:

let instance = InstanceID.instanceID()
instance.deleteID { (error) in

instance.instanceID { (result, error) in
  if let error = error {
    print("Error fetching remote instange ID: \(error)")
  } else {
    print("Remote instance ID token: \(String(describing: result?.token))")
Messaging.messaging().shouldEstablishDirectChannel = true

Then in AppDelegate:

extension AppDelegate: MessagingDelegate {

func messaging(_ messaging: Messaging, didReceiveRegistrationToken fcmToken: String) {
    //Here is your new FCM token
    print("Registered with FCM with token:", fcmToken)

Solution 4

Updated Answer for Swift 4, FireBase 4.8.2, FirebaseMessaging (2.0.8)

debugPrint("Existing Token :- \(Messaging.messaging().fcmToken!)")

let instance = InstanceID.instanceID()
instance.deleteID { (error) in

if let token = InstanceID.instanceID().token() {
    print("Token \(token) fetched");
} else {
    print("Unable to fetch token");
Messaging.messaging().shouldEstablishDirectChannel = true

We receive this updated token in MessagingDelegate method as well as in Refresh Token

func messaging(_ messaging: Messaging, didReceiveRegistrationToken fcmToken: String) {
    print("Firebase registration token: \(fcmToken)")
Author by


β—• Excellence in Swift programming with professional experience in developing iOS applications. β—• Proficient in Implementing Security and Data protection measures. β—• Developed Custom Framework and Distribute it through cocoapods. β—• Extensive knowledge of working with XCode, UIKit. β—• Proficient in using local storage including SQLite. β—• Experience in Social API integration, RestFul Web APIs integration, Web Views, APNS. β—• Integrate with backend services (JSON, REST, etc.) to delivering a great mobile user the experience that is super-fast for end users. β—• Writing good quality code. β—• Applying best practices, and software architecture guidelines. β—• Strong knowledge of Object Oriented Programming, design patterns and app architectures (MVC) β—• Experience with Source Control. eg. git

Updated on June 17, 2022


    PRAVEEN almost 2 years

    What should I do that for changing or requesting the token in firebase? the unique token generated by firebase on the basis of device information.

  • Daniel Arantes Loverde
    Daniel Arantes Loverde over 6 years
    This "messaging().connect" is needed for renewed token ?
    PRAVEEN over 6 years
    yes because there is no way to renew the token, first we have to delete the token and after that requesting for a new token, So "messaging().connect" required. if you will find another way, suggestions are always welcome.
  • Daniel Arantes Loverde
    Daniel Arantes Loverde over 6 years
    This "delete" is not used anymore, we have to use "shouldEstablishDirectChannel" boolean, and it is not refreshing the token, keep the same. When i resolve it, i will put here. Thanks!
  • Szekspir
    Szekspir over 6 years
    for Swift 3: let instance = InstanceID.instanceID() instance.deleteID { (error) in print(error.debugDescription) }
  • Mike Flynn
    Mike Flynn over 5 years
    How can this be done with regular objective C and the older firebase SDK?
  • Nikunj Jadav
    Nikunj Jadav about 4 years
    Its working at first time only, then not receive notification from firebase console and apps. Permission is allowed and token is refreshed and tried with refresh token. Any idea for push notification are not coming?
  • Harsh Pipaliya
    Harsh Pipaliya over 3 years
    in "instance.instanceID" result?.token return old token. therefore no need to call this method.
  • Tal Zion
    Tal Zion almost 3 years
    Did you get it to work? @Shahzaib I got new tokens but they don't work with FCM. Only the initial token works