Check if a varchar is a number (TSQL)


Solution 1


Check the NOTES section too in the article.

Solution 2

ISNUMERIC will not do - it tells you that the string can be converted to any of the numeric types, which is almost always a pointless piece of information to know. For example, all of the following are numeric, according to ISNUMERIC:

£, $, 0d0

If you want to check for digits and only digits, a negative LIKE expression is what you want:

not Value like '%[^0-9]%'

Solution 3

you can check like this

declare @vchar varchar(50)
set @vchar ='34343';
select case when @vchar not like '%[^0-9]%' then 'Number' else 'Not a Number' end

Solution 4

Using SQL Server 2012+, you can use the TRY_* functions if you have specific needs. For example,

-- will fail for decimal values, but allow negative values

-- will fail for non-positive integers; can be used with other examples below as well, or reversed if only negative desired
TRY_CAST(@value AS INT) > 0

-- will fail if a $ is used, but allow decimals to the specified precision

-- will allow valid currency

-- will allow scientific notation to be used like 1.7E+3

Solution 5

I ran into the need to allow decimal values, so I used not Value like '%[^0-9.]%'

Author by


Updated on August 29, 2021


  • grady
    grady almost 3 years

    is there an easy way to figure out if a varchar is a number?


    abc123 --> no number

    123 --> yes, its a number

    Thanks :)

  • Sachin Shanbhag
    Sachin Shanbhag over 13 years
    @Grady - I think Damien's answer below is a better one as pointed out, IsNumeric does have some restrictions. Are you sure, you dont encounter any such restrictions?
  • Ewald Stieger
    Ewald Stieger almost 10 years
    ISNUMERIC also considers a "-" to be numeric.
  • greg121
    greg121 over 8 years
    scroll down to notice the next answer.
  • marknuzz
    marknuzz over 8 years
    "select isnumeric('138D47')" returns 1
  • Jonathan Stark
    Jonathan Stark over 8 years
    And I had to add <> '.' Thankfully none of my data has a '-' in the wrong place
  • Dan Field
    Dan Field over 8 years
    This is a great method if you only want positive integers, but I've added some examples below if you need to allow other kinds of numeric types too if you're using SQL 2012+.
  • iaforek
    iaforek about 8 years
    Definitely, better answer than ISNUMERIC! This should be the marked as correct answer.
  • RosieC
    RosieC over 7 years
    This and other similar answers will say the first example in the original question IS a number, because one of it's characters is a number. What about if you want to know that ALL characters are numbers.
  • RosieC
    RosieC over 7 years
    This is the best solution. The solutions using %[^0-9.]% seem to return say it's a number when it contains a number even if there are also characters in the string. This TRY_CAST works for me.
  • Damien_The_Unbeliever
    Damien_The_Unbeliever over 7 years
    @RosieC - no, the example in my code, not Value like '%[^0-9]%', is, exactly, that all characters are digits. It's a double-negative. It asserts that no character in Value is outside of the range 0-9.
  • Dan Field
    Dan Field over 7 years
    Just keep in mind it requires SQL Server 2012+ - won't work on 2008R2 or lower, and won't work in other RDBMS
  • Damien_The_Unbeliever
    Damien_The_Unbeliever over 7 years
    @RosieC - or, to put it another way - Value like '%[0-9]%' would be "the string contains at least one digit character". Value like '%[^0-9]%' would be "the string contains at least one non-digit character". But, again, my test is not Value like '%[^0-9]%' which negates the previous test and is "the string contains no non-digit characters"
  • Andrew Hill
    Andrew Hill over 6 years
    -1 There are many things which isNumeric is true for, but which will exception if cast to INT or Float -- see for some examples - which shows the following 15 strings are all "IsNumeric"=1 '$' ,'£' ,',' ,'.' ,'0e+99' ,'2e2' ,'12D4' ,',1,1,1,1,1,1,1' ,'-' ,'+' ,CHAR(9) ,CHAR(10) ,CHAR(11) ,CHAR(12) ,CHAR(13)
  • Valentin C
    Valentin C almost 6 years
    @Nuzzolilo Because it seems to be numeric if it is an hexadeciaml thing, and d is part of hexa thing
  • Ketan Vaghasiya
    Ketan Vaghasiya over 5 years
    I am still getting error on below query Declare @testVal as varchar(50)='ok' select CASE WHEN IsNUMERIC(@testVal)=1 THEN Cast(@testVal as numeric) ELSE 'n' End Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
  • The_Rafi
    The_Rafi about 2 years
    This is not good. It would have matched with just ., 2.2.2...1....0, 2.1.2 and so on. You would need a second condition to also exclude ones with more than one decimal point, and those where the decimal is not between two numbers.