Chrome Developer Tools: How to find out what is overriding a CSS rule?


Solution 1

Use the Computed Style panel of the element inspector. Expand the property of interest to see the list of applicable rules, and which one won.

Chrome screenshot

Solution 2

You can simply look at the ones with the same name which aren't striked out, remember the listing is by importance.

Or you can view the computed styles. They will be the actually applied styles.

Solution 3

crtrl + shift + c and inspect the element. Then find the style without a line through it, in the box in the down right corner.

the override is in most cases at the top (and without a line through it, as this style is the "winning" one).


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Ramon K.
Author by

Ramon K.

Updated on November 28, 2020


  • Ramon K.
    Ramon K. over 3 years

    Well, this is pretty straightforward. If Chrome's Developer Tools is showing me that a style is overridden, how to see what CSS rule is overriding it?

    I want to know if is there anything like "Show me what overrides this".

    OBS: Please, don't point me to Firebug.

    • Zoltan Toth
      Zoltan Toth over 11 years
      Chrome's Developer Tools also show you the overriding rule
  • MrFox
    MrFox almost 9 years
    For me the computed tab was open at default and therefore not listed as a tab, it should have had a header 'Computed', otherwise you could be looking for a long time.
  • intotecho
    intotecho over 8 years
    The technique has changed a little as Chrome has advanced. Instead of 'Expand the property of interest' click the spy-glass next to the property and it will show which style won back in the Styles tab.
  • josh3736
    josh3736 over 8 years
    @intotecho: Chrome 47 has restored the expando in the Computed tab since the magnifying glass change sucked.
  • Noone
    Noone almost 8 years
    It's not the case when a style is flagged as !important
  • Darkgaze
    Darkgaze about 7 years
    what if ALL of them are cancelled? Probably due to a script? How do you find out who did it?
  • josh3736
    josh3736 over 5 years
    It's still there as the "Computed" tab on the Elements panel.
  • derloopkat
    derloopkat over 5 years
    @josh3736,maybe my css has !important but can't find anything overriding in Computed or elsewhere
  • Daniel Viglione
    Daniel Viglione over 4 years
    I would avoid trying to use !important to begin with. When you start tossing multiple css libraries into the mix, and then you add your own styling yielding unexpected results, you are in for an action-filled evening.