Clearing Tensorflow GPU memory after model execution


Solution 1

A git issue from June 2016 ( indicates that there is the following problem:

currently the Allocator in the GPUDevice belongs to the ProcessState, which is essentially a global singleton. The first session using GPU initializes it, and frees itself when the process shuts down.

Thus the only workaround would be to use processes and shut them down after the computation.

Example Code:

import tensorflow as tf
import multiprocessing
import numpy as np

def run_tensorflow():

    n_input = 10000
    n_classes = 1000

    # Create model
    def multilayer_perceptron(x, weight):
        # Hidden layer with RELU activation
        layer_1 = tf.matmul(x, weight)
        return layer_1

    # Store layers weight & bias
    weights = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_input, n_classes]))

    x = tf.placeholder("float", [None, n_input])
    y = tf.placeholder("float", [None, n_classes])
    pred = multilayer_perceptron(x, weights)

    cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=pred, labels=y))
    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.001).minimize(cost)

    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

    with tf.Session() as sess:

        for i in range(100):
            batch_x = np.random.rand(10, 10000)
            batch_y = np.random.rand(10, 1000)
  [optimizer, cost], feed_dict={x: batch_x, y: batch_y})

    print "finished doing stuff with tensorflow!"

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # option 1: execute code with extra process
    p = multiprocessing.Process(target=run_tensorflow)

    # wait until user presses enter key

    # option 2: just execute the function

    # wait until user presses enter key

So if you would call the function run_tensorflow() within a process you created and shut the process down (option 1), the memory is freed. If you just run run_tensorflow() (option 2) the memory is not freed after the function call.

Solution 2

You can use numba library to release all the gpu memory

pip install numba 
from numba import cuda 
device = cuda.get_current_device()

This will release all the memory

Solution 3

I use numba to release GPU. With TensorFlow, I cannot find an effective method.

import tensorflow as tf
from numba import cuda

a = tf.constant([1.0,2.0,3.0],shape=[3],name='a')
b = tf.constant([1.0,2.0,3.0],shape=[3],name='b')
with tf.device('/gpu:1'):
    c = a+b

TF_CONFIG = tf.ConfigProto(

sess = tf.Session(config=TF_CONFIG)

sess.close() # if don't use numba,the gpu can't be released
with tf.device('/gpu:1'):
    c = a+b

TF_CONFIG = tf.ConfigProto(

sess = tf.Session(config=TF_CONFIG)

Solution 4

Now there seem to be two ways to resolve the iterative training model or if you use future multipleprocess pool to serve the model training, where the process in the pool will not be killed if the future finished. You can apply two methods in the training process to release GPU memory meanwhile you wish to preserve the main process.

  1. call a subprocess to run the model training. when one phase training completed, the subprocess will exit and free memory. It's easy to get the return value.
  2. call the multiprocessing.Process(p) to run the model training(p.start), and p.join will indicate the process exit and free memory.

Here is a helper function using multiprocess.Process which can open a new process to run your python written function and reture value instead of using Subprocess,

# open a new process to run function
def process_run(func, *args):
    def wrapper_func(queue, *args):
  'run with process id: {}'.format(os.getpid()))
            result = func(*args)
            error = None
        except Exception:
            result = None
            ex_type, ex_value, tb = sys.exc_info()
            error = ex_type, ex_value,''.join(traceback.format_tb(tb))
        queue.put((result, error))

    def process(*args):
        queue = Queue()
        p = Process(target = wrapper_func, args = [queue] + list(args))
        result, error = queue.get()
        return result, error  

    result, error = process(*args)
    return result, error

Solution 5

I am figuring out which option is better in the Jupyter Notebook. Jupyter Notebook occupies the GPU memory permanently even a deep learning application is completed. It usually incurs the GPU Fan ERROR that is a big headache. In this condition, I have to reset nvidia_uvm and reboot the linux system regularly. I conclude the following two options can remove the headache of GPU Fan Error but want to know which is better.


  • CUDA 11.0
  • cuDNN 8.0.1
  • TensorFlow 2.2
  • Keras 2.4.3
  • Jupyter Notebook 6.0.3
  • Miniconda 4.8.3
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

First Option

Put the following code at the end of the cell. The kernel immediately ended upon the application runtime is completed. But it is not much elegant. Juputer will pop up a message for the died ended kernel.

import os
pid = os.getpid()
!kill -9 $pid

Section Option

The following code can also end the kernel with Jupyter Notebook. I do not know whether numba is secure. Nvidia prefers the "0" GPU that is the most used GPU by personal developer (not server guys). However, both Neil G and mradul dubey have had the response: This leaves the GPU in a bad state.

from numba import cuda


It seems that the second option is more elegant. Can some one confirm which is the best choice?


It is not such the problem to automatically release the GPU memory in the environment of Anaconda by direct executing "$ python". However, I sometimes need to use Jyputer Notebook to handle .ipynb application.


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David Parks
Author by

David Parks

Merge Keep

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • David Parks
    David Parks almost 2 years

    I've trained 3 models and am now running code that loads each of the 3 checkpoints in sequence and runs predictions using them. I'm using the GPU.

    When the first model is loaded it pre-allocates the entire GPU memory (which I want for working through the first batch of data). But it doesn't unload memory when it's finished. When the second model is loaded, using both tf.reset_default_graph() and with tf.Graph().as_default() the GPU memory still is fully consumed from the first model, and the second model is then starved of memory.

    Is there a way to resolve this, other than using Python subprocesses or multiprocessing to work around the problem (the only solution I've found on via google searches)?

    • Yaroslav Bulatov
      Yaroslav Bulatov over 7 years
      What if you delete the session (del sess)? That should have the same effect on memory as restarting process
    • etarion
      etarion over 7 years
      Shouldn't sess.close() (or using the Session as a context with with) also work?
    • David Parks
      David Parks over 7 years
      I wish, I do use with ... sess: and have also tried sess.close(). GPU memory doesn't get cleared, and clearing the default graph and rebuilding it certainly doesn't appear to work. That is, even if I put 10 sec pause in between models I don't see memory on the GPU clear with nvidia-smi. That doesn't necessarily mean that tensorflow isn't handling things properly behind the scenes and just keeping its allocation of memory constant. But I'm having troubles validating that line of reasoning.
    • Yaroslav Bulatov
      Yaroslav Bulatov over 7 years
      nvidia-smi doesn't correctly report amount of memory available to TensorFlow. When TensorFlow computation releases memory, it will still show up as reserved to outside tools, but this memory is available to other computations in tensorflow
    • David Parks
      David Parks over 7 years
      @YaroslavBulatov I've done more testing and confirmed that tensorflow is performing as expected on the 2nd and 3rd models after simply resetting the default graph. If you post that as an answer I'll accept it as correct. It seems that this question is irrelevant, though probably commonly asked so worth keeping open.
  • Fedor Chervinskii
    Fedor Chervinskii almost 7 years
    As for now, tensorflow still doesn't release GPU memory with sess.Close() or after with tf.Session() as sess: , could you please update your answer considering comments above?
  • Diego Aguado
    Diego Aguado almost 7 years
    @yaroslav-bulatov you mentioned on your comments that nvidia-smi doesn't show the correct memory on a gpu. I tried tf.reset_default_graph() and then rebuild the previous graph but I have an OOM error which suggests that nvidia-smi is displaying correctly the memory. Any thoughts?
  • Yaroslav Bulatov
    Yaroslav Bulatov almost 7 years
    @DiegoAgher what I meant that nvidia-smi may show 0 available memory, yet there's still plenty of memory available for TensorFlow to use. The reason is that TensorFlow takes over the memory management
  • Diego Aguado
    Diego Aguado almost 7 years
    @yaroslavBulatov so how would you go about freeing up space in the gpu if the tensorflow pool is still there and when building again the graph, I get the OOM error ?
  • Yaroslav Bulatov
    Yaroslav Bulatov almost 7 years
    It's freed up automatically. OOM error in tensorflow is typically caused by having models that are too large
  • Fosa
    Fosa almost 7 years
    I also have the OOM error which seems to be due to variables not being released. For example the model will run and train several times, but after reassigning the variable (not changing the total size), it may give an OOM error. Closing Spyder and reopening has been my only recourse..
  • Ben Usman
    Ben Usman almost 6 years
    I wrote a small reusable wrapper that uses same trick as in this answer. However, performance degradation is severe, which is okay for small computations (i.e. inference on a small dataset), but not practical in any other scenario. I believe this must be due to inter-process communication and passing large numpy objects back and forth.
  • Igor
    Igor almost 6 years
    I'm not sure I get the difference between the two methods you are talking about. They both look like just "use multiprocessing" to me. And there's already a nice and more detailed answer about it.
  • liviaerxin
    liviaerxin almost 6 years
    In my sense, 'multiprocessing' and 'subprocess', they both spawn the new process to handle the GPU run and free but operate in different ways
  • guillefix
    guillefix over 5 years
    Running this code gives me an tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InternalError: Failed to create session. preceded by Failed precondition: Failed to memcopy into scratch buffer for device 0, when I try to run the tf.Session() after the cuda.close(1)
  • Austin
    Austin over 5 years
    Can I use this to free GPU memory after loading a Keras model?
  • Neil G
    Neil G almost 5 years
    This leaves tensorflow in a bad state
  • mradul dubey
    mradul dubey about 4 years
    This leaves the GPU in a bad state.
  • Scott White
    Scott White almost 4 years
    Would you mind explaining what you mean by "leaves the GPU in a bad state"? That doesn't tell us the ramifications of using this approach.
  • mradul dubey
    mradul dubey almost 4 years
    Related and important, multiprocessing.Process uses spawn as default on Windows, but, fork on *nix systems. If you find yourself in a situation where the model running in a separate Process is unable to use GPU i.e. tf.test.is_gpu_available is False while checking cross platform compatibility, you can force select the state using multiprocessing.get_context('spawn'). spawn is available for Windows, Linux and MacOS. More on context here
  • Mike Chen
    Mike Chen almost 4 years
    My test shows that numba is a better choice. However, users need to use pip install numba rather than conda install -c numba mumba or sudo apt-get install python-3 numba. conda install... has an internal conflict and sudo apt-get install..could not be used.
  • Hagbard
    Hagbard over 3 years
    I guess what he means is that this results in an " .\tensorflow/core/kernels/random_op_gpu.h:232] Non-OK-status: GpuLaunchKernel(FillPhiloxRandomKernelLaunch<Distribution>, num_blocks, block_size, 0,, gen, data, size, dist) status: Internal: invalid resource handle" error. At least, that's the case for me.
  • Foivos Ts
    Foivos Ts over 3 years
    This is a great answer.
  • Michael Malak
    Michael Malak over 3 years
    Should be noted that is multiprocessing.Queue and not queue.Queue
  • Joe Huang
    Joe Huang over 3 years
    So how to make multiprocessing works for jupyter notebook?
  • Jed
    Jed over 3 years
    I can't get this to work, nor the small reusable wrapper listed by Ben Usman. The problem is that the parallel_wrapper is not picklable if using 'spawn' and the process hangs if using 'fork'. It's hard to believe that after nearly 4 years this is still such an issue with TF. does anybody know of a good resolution?
  • Jed
    Jed over 3 years
    perhaps by bad state, he means that this kills the kernel. this cannot be done in the midst of long processes
  • Hemanth Kollipara
    Hemanth Kollipara over 2 years
    This results in Could not synchronize CUDA stream: CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE: invalid resource handle error if run any code after performing the cuda.close(), is there any way to clear the CUDA memory without getting this error
  • mastDrinkNimbuPani
    mastDrinkNimbuPani about 2 years
    I used the First Option a few times, and it worked well for me. Thanks. I tested on Tensorflow 2.4.