code=PERMISSION_DENIED, description=Missing or insufficient permissions., cause=null


Solution 1

Just change your rules to as below if you want to allow anybody to upload the documents.

allow read, write;

If you want to allow only authenticated users to allow upload the files or documents to your firebase change your rules to

allow read, write: if request.auth != null;

Solution 2

change your rules to allow read,write: if request.auth !=null;

Author by


Updated on December 14, 2022


  • rvr93
    rvr93 over 1 year

    I am not able to read/write data to firestore with rules in place.

    I can access my data and do operations on it with no rules set as shown below:

    match /{document=**} {
      allow read, write: if true;

    But I am getting the "permission denied" error with following rules.

    match /{document=**} {
      allow read, write: if request.auth.uid != null;

    Here is my dart code:

    if (uid == null) {
      user = await a.currentUser();
      uid = user.uid;
    DocumentReference docRef = firestore.collection('users').document(uid);
    CollectionReference locations = docRef.collection('locations');
    await locations.document().setData(<String, double>{
      'latitude': latitude,
      'longitude': longitude,

    I can think of two scenarios in which this request fails:

    1. request.auth.uid == null. But I have a user logged in with firebase auth before this query.
    2. My security rules and query doesn't match.

    Please help me debug this issue.

    Edit 1:

    1. I have user authenticated during my firebase query as I changed the code to enter only if the user is authenticated as below:
        User u = await a.onAuthStateChanged.first;
        if (u != null) {....}
    1. I was able to read/write with authentication using firebase simulator.

    Is there anyway I can print the actual request being sent to the firebase from dart using cloud_firestore package?

    Edit 2

    1. Firestore.instance is working with rules
    2. Firebaseapp configured to my specific app using configure,options isn't working.

    Any help on why this might be happening?

  • rvr93
    rvr93 over 4 years
    I tried this solution.It did not solve the problem. Still I'm facing the same error - " failed: Status{code=PERMISSION_DENIED, description=Missing or insufficient permissions., cause=null}"
  • griffins
    griffins over 4 years
    check on your login
  • rvr93
    rvr93 over 4 years
    I have user logged in at that point as my full error is:W/Firestore(28828): (21.1.1) [Firestore]: Listen for Query(users/{userid}/locations order by name) failed: Status{code=PERMISSION_DENIED, description=Missing or insufficient permissions., cause=null}. {userid} in that error is actual userid value.
  • Logemann
    Logemann over 4 years
    there is for sure nothing wrong with using request.auth.uid != null as the author did
  • Logemann
    Logemann over 4 years
    use the Firebase Rules Simulator (in the console). There you can also simulate a logged in user. This way you are sure that its not a Auth thing in your app. And btw: request.auth.uid != null is absolutely ok.
  • rvr93
    rvr93 over 4 years
    I ran the firebase simulator. it is allowing me to read/write with authentication. To ensure that I have an authenticated user I changed my code to this: User u = await a.onAuthStateChanged.first; if (u != null) {....} My code enters the if block, so that means firebase user is authenticated at that point in my code.