Command Line utility to see list of tasks CPU Usage, Memory, and execute


Solution 1

You can use the tool typeperf.

To list all processes:

typeperf "\Process(*)\% Processor Time" -sc 1

List all processes, take 5 samples at 10 second intervals:

typeperf "\Process(*)\% Processor Time" -si 10 -sc 5

If you want a specific process, node for example:

typeperf "\Process(node)\% Processor Time" -si 10 -sc 5

You also can dump it to a csv file and filter in a spreadsheet to remotely diagnose issues.

The following gives me 5 minutes (at 10 second intervals) of all processes. The data includes not just % Processor Time, but IO, memory, paging, etc.

typeperf -qx "\Process" > config.txt
typeperf -cf config.txt -o perf.csv -f CSV -y -si 10 -sc 60

More info:

Solution 2

Without dependence on system localization:

typeperf "\238(*)\6" -sc 1

typeperf "\238(*)\6" -si 10 -sc 5

typeperf "\238(_Total)\6" -si 10 -sc 5

Solution 3

typeperf has two drawbacks:

  1. typeperf with arguments as english names won't work on non-english machines, and
  2. typeperf with arguments as numbers will break because those numbers vary by machine. (Source:

To avoid those drawbacks, you can use powershell's Get-WmiObject cmdlet. It uses different names compared to typeperf, but you can get the same information, as far as I can tell.

I think that running these commands in powershell will give you what you want:

echo 'Map of process ID to command line:'
Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from Win32_Process" | Select-Object -Property ProcessId,ExecutablePath,CommandLine | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation
echo 'Map of process ID to memory usage:'
Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process" | Select-Object -Property IDProcess,Name,PageFileBytes,PoolNonpagedBytes,PoolPagedBytes,PrivateBytes,VirtualBytes,WorkingSet | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation
echo 'Map of process ID to CPU usage:'
Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process" | Select-Object -Property IDProcess,Name,PercentProcessorTime | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation
echo 'Many people want to do some massaging of the "PercentProcessorTime" numbers above,'
echo 'because in their raw form those numbers (for a single process) can be over 100 percent.'
echo 'So divide all of the "PercentProcessorTime" numbers by this number:'
Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem" | Select-Object -Property NumberOfLogicalProcessors | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation

Solution 4

If someone does not comfort with complicated PowerShell, I suggest gotop. It is a handy CLI tool helps you check resource usage in beautiful interface.


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Aminadav Glickshtein
Author by

Aminadav Glickshtein

Started coding at the age of seven, with the ability to program as if it were a native language. Has in-depth knowledge of software development, cloud, big data, web, desktop, cybersecurity, blockchain, DevOps and mobile development. Latest innovation: Control V

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Aminadav Glickshtein
    Aminadav Glickshtein almost 2 years

    I want to log, every 10 minutes, list of all the apps in windows that now running, the CPU usage, and memory usage.

    I have many node.exe tasks, so I want to see the arguments of the task (for example: node c:\myscript.js

    I tried: tasklist/? but didn't found anything related to cpu usage.

    I tried: procexp/? but didn't found anyway to export the list to file (or show in console)

    I tried: cprocess (NirSoft), it can dump to file, and show CPU, but it don't give the arguments of the exe that runned.

    Any idea?

  • Amit Naidu
    Amit Naidu about 6 years
    Note: In order to use typeperf, you must either be a member of the local Performance Log Users group, or the command must be executed from an elevated command window.
  • Stan
    Stan about 4 years
    To continuously save CPU usage per process, one should use something like this: typeperf "\230(*)\6" -si 10 -o perf.csv -f CSV, where 230 is the "Process" counter. 238 is the "Processor" counter as a whole (the command from the answer will show CPU usage per core, without tasks).