Concatenate two PySpark dataframes


Solution 1

Maybe you can try creating the unexisting columns and calling union (unionAll for Spark 1.6 or lower):

from pyspark.sql.functions import lit

cols = ['id', 'uniform', 'normal', 'normal_2']    

df_1_new = df_1.withColumn("normal_2", lit(None)).select(cols)
df_2_new = df_2.withColumn("normal", lit(None)).select(cols)

result = df_1_new.union(df_2_new)

Solution 2

df_concat = df_1.union(df_2)

The dataframes may need to have identical columns, in which case you can use withColumn() to create normal_1 and normal_2

Solution 3

You can use unionByName to make this:

df = df_1.unionByName(df_2)

unionByName is available since Spark 2.3.0.

Solution 4

unionByName is a built-in option available in spark which is available from spark 2.3.0.

with spark version 3.1.0, there is allowMissingColumns option with the default value set to False to handle missing columns. Even if both dataframes don't have the same set of columns, this function will work, setting missing column values to null in the resulting dataframe.

df_1.unionByName(df_2, allowMissingColumns=True).show()

| id|             uniform|              normal|            normal_2|
|  0|  0.8122802274304282|  1.2423430583597714|                null|
|  1|  0.8642043127063618|  0.3900018344856156|                null|
|  2|  0.8292577771850476|  1.8077401259195247|                null|
|  3|   0.198558705368724| -0.4270585782850261|                null|
|  4|0.012661361966674889|   0.702634599720141|                null|
|  5|  0.8535692890157796|-0.42355804115129153|                null|
|  6|  0.3723296190171911|  1.3789648582622995|                null|
|  7|  0.9529794127670571| 0.16238718777444605|                null|
|  8|  0.9746632635918108| 0.02448061333761742|                null|
|  9|   0.513622008243935|  0.7626741803250845|                null|
| 11|  0.3221262660507942|                null|  1.0269298899109824|
| 12|  0.4030672316912547|                null|   1.285648175568798|
| 13|  0.9690555459609131|                null|-0.22986601831364423|
| 14|0.011913836266515876|                null|  -0.678915153834693|
| 15|  0.9359607054250594|                null|-0.16557488664743034|
| 16| 0.45680471157575453|                null| -0.3885563551710555|
| 17|  0.6411908952297819|                null|  0.9161177183227823|
| 18|  0.5669232696934479|                null|  0.7270125277020573|
| 19|   0.513622008243935|                null|  0.7626741803250845|

Solution 5

To make it more generic of keeping both columns in df1 and df2:

import pyspark.sql.functions as F

# Keep all columns in either df1 or df2
def outter_union(df1, df2):

    # Add missing columns to df1
    left_df = df1
    for column in set(df2.columns) - set(df1.columns):
        left_df = left_df.withColumn(column, F.lit(None))

    # Add missing columns to df2
    right_df = df2
    for column in set(df1.columns) - set(df2.columns):
        right_df = right_df.withColumn(column, F.lit(None))

    # Make sure columns are ordered the same
    return left_df.union(
Author by


Data Scientist, Systems and Big Data Architect, Physicist

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Ivan
    Ivan almost 2 years

    I'm trying to concatenate two PySpark dataframes with some columns that are only on one of them:

    from pyspark.sql.functions import randn, rand
    df_1 = sqlContext.range(0, 10)
    | 0|
    | 1|
    | 2|
    | 3|
    | 4|
    | 5|
    | 6|
    | 7|
    | 8|
    | 9|
    df_2 = sqlContext.range(11, 20)
    | 10|
    | 11|
    | 12|
    | 13|
    | 14|
    | 15|
    | 16|
    | 17|
    | 18|
    | 19|
    df_1 ="id", rand(seed=10).alias("uniform"), randn(seed=27).alias("normal"))
    df_2 ="id", rand(seed=10).alias("uniform"), randn(seed=27).alias("normal_2"))

    and now I want to generate a third dataframe. I would like something like pandas concat:
    | id|             uniform|              normal|
    |  0|  0.8122802274304282|  1.2423430583597714|
    |  1|  0.8642043127063618|  0.3900018344856156|
    |  2|  0.8292577771850476|  1.8077401259195247|
    |  3|   0.198558705368724| -0.4270585782850261|
    |  4|0.012661361966674889|   0.702634599720141|
    |  5|  0.8535692890157796|-0.42355804115129153|
    |  6|  0.3723296190171911|  1.3789648582622995|
    |  7|  0.9529794127670571| 0.16238718777444605|
    |  8|  0.9746632635918108| 0.02448061333761742|
    |  9|   0.513622008243935|  0.7626741803250845|
    | id|             uniform|            normal_2|
    | 11|  0.3221262660507942|  1.0269298899109824|
    | 12|  0.4030672316912547|   1.285648175568798|
    | 13|  0.9690555459609131|-0.22986601831364423|
    | 14|0.011913836266515876|  -0.678915153834693|
    | 15|  0.9359607054250594|-0.16557488664743034|
    | 16| 0.45680471157575453| -0.3885563551710555|
    | 17|  0.6411908952297819|  0.9161177183227823|
    | 18|  0.5669232696934479|  0.7270125277020573|
    | 19|   0.513622008243935|  0.7626741803250845|
    #do some concatenation here, how?
    | id|             uniform|              normal| normal_2   |
    |  0|  0.8122802274304282|  1.2423430583597714| None       |
    |  1|  0.8642043127063618|  0.3900018344856156| None       |
    |  2|  0.8292577771850476|  1.8077401259195247| None       |
    |  3|   0.198558705368724| -0.4270585782850261| None       |
    |  4|0.012661361966674889|   0.702634599720141| None       |
    |  5|  0.8535692890157796|-0.42355804115129153| None       |
    |  6|  0.3723296190171911|  1.3789648582622995| None       |
    |  7|  0.9529794127670571| 0.16238718777444605| None       |
    |  8|  0.9746632635918108| 0.02448061333761742| None       |
    |  9|   0.513622008243935|  0.7626741803250845| None       |
    | 11|  0.3221262660507942|  None              | 0.123      |
    | 12|  0.4030672316912547|  None              |0.12323     |
    | 13|  0.9690555459609131|  None              |0.123       |
    | 14|0.011913836266515876|  None              |0.18923     |
    | 15|  0.9359607054250594|  None              |0.99123     |
    | 16| 0.45680471157575453|  None              |0.123       |
    | 17|  0.6411908952297819|  None              |1.123       |
    | 18|  0.5669232696934479|  None              |0.10023     |
    | 19|   0.513622008243935|  None              |0.916332123 |

    Is that possible?