Concatenating Variables Into String to be Set to a Range in VBA


Solution 1

Although creating ranges like this is frowned upon in general, the way to do it is with the word SET (like @Gary McGill stated in the comments). Here is an example of how to do this:

Sub test()

Dim alphabet As String
Dim totHrdrLngth As Long
Dim belowRowCount As Long
Dim rowCount As Long
Dim inRange As Range

totHrdrLngth = 5
belowRowCount = 10
rowCount = 5

' Gives us A5:E10
Set inRange = Range("A" & rowCount & ":" & range2 & _
                    Mid$(alphabet, totHrdrLngth, 1) & belowRowCount)

End Sub

You are running this macro in the current range, so there should be no need to specify ActiveSheet.Range. I hope this helps get you toward what you are trying to achieve.

Solution 2

As far as I can tell, you're getting an error because your types don't match up. I imagine rowCount is an integer, as is belowRowCount. If you convert them to strings before concatenating them, you can fix it. str() will convert an integer to a string with a space before it, and LTrim() will remove the space. Try code as below:

Dim sRowCount As String
Dim sBelowRowCount As String

and later

sRowCount = LTrim(Str(RowCount))
sBelowRowCount = LTrim(Str(belowRowCount))

inRange = "A" & sRowCount & ":" & Mid(alphabet, totHdrLngth, 1) & sBelowRowCount
curRange = ActiveSheet.Range(inRange)

Hope this helps.


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Updated on August 07, 2020


  • H3lue
    H3lue almost 4 years

    I am having a problem with a particular line of code:

    ActiveSheet.Range("A" & rowCount & ":" & Mid(alphabet, totHdrLngth, 1) & belowRowCount)

    Where alphabet is a string containing uppercase letters A to Z.

    I keep getting the following error:

    Run-time error '5':
    Invalid Procedure call or argument

    I tried creating a String "inRange" and changing the code to this:

    inRange = "A" & rowCount & ":" & Mid(alphabet, totHdrLngth, 1) & belowRowCount
    curRange = ActiveSheet.Range(inRange)

    But that did not help (as I thought it wouldn't). Any suggestions?

    • Jacob
      Jacob almost 13 years
      Could you use Debug.Print inRange to get the value of inRange into the debug window (ctrl+g)?
    • H3lue
      H3lue almost 13 years
      Hmm.. not seeing anything in the debug window. Running my cursor over "inRange" in debug mode and says the string is empty (inRange = "")
    • Jacob
      Jacob almost 13 years
      I just want to know how the range string looks when you call range, maybe you could MsgBox it or something.
    • H3lue
      H3lue almost 13 years
      inRange prints as empty (nothing shows up)
    • Jacob
      Jacob almost 13 years
      inRange = "A" & rowCount & ":" & Mid(alphabet, totHdrLngth, 1) & belowRowCount equals nothing?!
    • Paul McLain
      Paul McLain almost 13 years
      What are the values of rowCount, totHdrLngth, and belowRowCount for the instance when you get the error?
    • Tiago Cardoso
      Tiago Cardoso almost 13 years
      I'd bet the problem is within the Mid(alphabet, totHdrLngth, 1) code... as @cularis suggested, try to print the result of this specific instruction to see if it is REALLY returning only a uppercase letter.
    • H3lue
      H3lue almost 13 years
      totHdrLngth's value is zero, thats the problem... but it shouldn't be zero since i defined it equal to 10 in another sub. It is a Global.
    • Paul McLain
      Paul McLain almost 13 years
      Post the code of that sub and anywhere else you're editing the variable. Did you step through all of your code?
    • H3lue
      H3lue almost 13 years
      I actually fixed that particular error, but the appropriate range is still not being selected. I am given the error now on the line below: 'code' Run-time error '91': Object vairable or With block variable not set
    • Gary McGill
      Gary McGill almost 13 years
      When you assign a value to a variable of type <any object>, you need to use the Set keyword. So that curRange assignment looks like it needs one. Without it, you'll get the error "Object variable or With Block" error you describe.
    • Lance Roberts
      Lance Roberts almost 13 years
      @H3lue, now that you've fixed the totHdrLngth problem, just go back to the first statement you had.
  • Lance Roberts
    Lance Roberts almost 13 years
    Excel VBA will cast them to the needed string.
  • dreojs16
    dreojs16 over 4 years
    If you use the string concatenator ampersand(&) any integer will be auto-cast to a string