Configure Jedis timeout


Solution 1

If what you want to do is set Jedis connection timeout, you should do it using the special constructor made for that:

public Jedis(final String host, final int port, final int timeout)

What you are doing is setting the timeout on Redis settings from Jedis. Doing CONFIG SET timeout 60, means that Redis will close idle client connections after 60 seconds. That's why you get the exception in Jedis.

Solution 2

This is a bit of an extension to xetorthio's answer, but here is similar approach for use with a JedisPool. (Caveat: this is based on my understanding from looking at the Jedis version 2.6.2 code directly and has not been tested in a live use case.)

    JedisPoolConfig jedisPoolConfig = new JedisPoolConfig();
    JedisPool pool = new JedisPool(jedisPoolConfig, redisHost, port, readTimeout);

The writeTimeout is max time for a Jedis resource from the pool to wait for a write operation.

The readTimeout specified for the pool constructor is the wait time for a socket read, see for more specific details.

Solution 3

Few things to consider:

  1. For both Jedis and JedisPool classes, timeout is in miliseconds. Default timeout, at least in 2.5.1, as I see, is 2000 (milisec): int redis.clients.jedis.Protocol.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 2000 [0x7d0]

  2. As per this documentation, Redis 2.6 or higher does not close connection, even if the client is idle. I have not verified this yet, and I will try to update the post when I do.

Author by


Updated on July 31, 2022


  • dranxo
    dranxo almost 2 years

    I'm having problems completing an .hgetall(), here's what I've tried:

    Jedis jedis = new Jedis(REDIS_MASTER_NODE);
    jedis.configSet("timeout", "30");
    Map<String, String> alreadyStored = jedis.hgetAll(redisTargetHash);

    and here's what I get:

    Exception in thread "main" redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Read timed out
        at redis.clients.jedis.Protocol.process(
        at redis.clients.jedis.Connection.getBinaryMultiBulkReply(
        at redis.clients.jedis.Jedis.hgetAll(

    This solved the issue:

    Jedis jedis = new Jedis(REDIS_MASTER_NODE, 6379, 1800);
  • abi_pat
    abi_pat almost 9 years
    Whats the unit of timeout? As in, is it in seconds or milliseconds?
  • Black_Rider
    Black_Rider almost 9 years
    @xetorthio can you tell me how I can specify query timeout in jedis ? Currently I am using jedis-2.6.0.jar Please also tell me what are default values of them. As per my understanding connectionTimeout is new connection establishing timeout.
  • Stéphane B.
    Stéphane B. over 8 years
    The timeout parameter of the constructor is in milliseconds because this value is affected internally to, int) and methods. So this this value is connection and a socket read timeout.
  • asgs
    asgs about 6 years
    did you get a chance to see if the connection is closed after the idle period timeout? Also, I guess you're saying Jedis (not Redis) doesn't close.
  • Manas Saxena
    Manas Saxena over 5 years
    JedisPoolConfig inherits maxWaitMillis from BaseGenericObjectPool , its just a timeout for getting/borrowing the object from JedisPoolConfig… I dont think it has anything to do with writetimeout of remote redis
  • Erica Kane
    Erica Kane over 5 years
    It is Redis 2.6 and higher that will leave client connections open by default.
  • Kumar-Sandeep
    Kumar-Sandeep about 3 years
    maxWaitMillis -: The maximum wait time (in milliseconds) of the caller when the connection pool resource is exhausted.