Connecting to a hidden wireless network on Kubuntu


Solution 1

This maybe helps:

sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid name_of_the_hidden_essid

Things to note:

  • sudo runs the command as an administrator.
  • iwconfig allows you to configure the wireless interface.
  • The identifier wlan0 can be something like eth1, execute the iwconfig command for a list.
  • essid is the name of the Extended Service Set Identification.

More information on essid can be found in this Wikipedia article, and man iwconfig.

Solution 2

Create the connection in connection manager, with all correct settings,

then in terminal: (replace hidden_ssid with the actual SSID of the network)

sudo iwlist wlan0 scan essid *HIDDEN_SSID*

Then go back to network manager. It should now show the hidden network.

Click on it to connect.

Solution 3

Since this question seems popular, I want to provide an update:

In newer version of KDE (4.6+, as far as I know), this bug is now gone. You can connect to a hidden network just using the plasma widget. If you're on an old version of KDE, upgrading is probably the best bet--there are some other new features that make it worth it.

Tikhon Jelvis
Author by

Tikhon Jelvis

I am a software engineer primarily interested in programming languages and functional programming, including program synthesis, static analysis and domain-specific languages. At the moment, I'm working on a domain-specific language for operations research at Target, using Haskell. I am always happy to chat: my email is [email protected]. I am especially interested in questions and projects involving Haskell or interesting PL issues. GitHub: Website:

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Tikhon Jelvis
    Tikhon Jelvis almost 2 years

    How can I connect to a hidden wireless network on Kubuntu? I have 9.10 64bit installed, and have the information for the network (e.g. SSID and key) because I've already connected to it on Windows.

  • Alexander
    Alexander about 6 years
    didn't do the trick for me
  • Bhikkhu Subhuti
    Bhikkhu Subhuti about 4 years
    How to add wigit